Al Wefaq says Interior ministry is responsible for delay of Alabbar’s burial – Ahlul Bayt News Agency

Al Wefaq National Islamic Society in Bahrain said the Bahraini regime, and the Interior ministry is particular, are responsible for the delay of the burial of the body of the martyr Abdulazziz Alabbar who passed away 11 days ago, today. Alabbar was shot to the head with birdshot and a teargas grenade during police crackdown on a funeral procession last February.

The authorities are faking the official death certificate of the deceased by refusing to document the real reason of death and thus, hiding significant information on a crime they are knowledgeable of.

The family of Alabbar refuses to receive his death certificate without the real reason of death. Al Wefaq said the regime’s measure is aimed to entrench impunity to killers in Bahrain, and which goes together with the judiciary’s acquittal of killers who serve in State security and military forces.

Abdulazziz was injured during crackdown on the funeral march of Ali Al-Moussawi in Saar area, on February 23rd, 2014. He was then directly taken to Salmaniya Medical Complex, as his family stated. Al-Abbar was admitted to surgery on the next day to lighten the pressure on his brain. He went into coma for 55 days, not responding to treatment, till he died at S.M.C.

Abdulazziz Al-Abbar is a husband and father of two children. He was unemployed and lived in his father’s house in west Sanabis.



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