Bahrain intercepts vessel carrying high-grade explosives

MANAMA, July 25 (Xinhua) — Bahrain authorities on Saturday announced that it foiled a terror operation with links to Iran involving attempts to smuggle via sea high-grade explosives, automatic weapons, and ammunition into the country.

The Interior Ministry said a joint counter-terrorism operation was conducted on Saturday involving the Bahrain Coast Guard, Police Aviation Unit and Bahrain Royal Naval Force, as they intercepted a vessel heading towards Bahrain after meeting another vessel just outside Bahrain’s territorial waters.

“Two Bahraini suspects on board were arrested,” said the ministry, adding that the two suspects admitted receiving the shipment from Iranian handlers.

It said the first suspect received military training in Iran during August 2013 that included the manufacturing and use of explosive ordinance and improvised explosive devices, as well as firearms training at an Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ camp.

The suspects were also provided with funds to assist the failed smuggling operation, it added.

The ministry said the two suspects wanted to dispose of the materials they received off the Bahraini coast, including 43.8 kg of the powerful explosive C4, eight automatic assault rifles (Kalashnikov), 32 Kalashnikov magazines, ammunition and detonators.

This is the latest incident following a number of failed attempts to smuggle explosive materials into Bahrain recently.

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