Bahrain Islamic Bank convenes its AGM and elects new board

Representatives from CBB, Ministry of Industry Commerce, Bahrain Bourse, representatives of the External Auditors Share registrar attended the meeting. The meeting was also covered by the local press.

After ascertaining that the quorum for the meeting is being achieved, Mr. Abdul Razak Abdulla Al-Qassim – the new BisB Chairman of the Board of Directors started the meeting with by welcoming all the shareholders who are present in the meeting and all representatives of the supervisory governmental bodies who attended the meeting.

After that, the AGM discussed agenda of the meeting which was constituted of the following: approving previous AGM minutes which was held on 14 Jamada Al-Awal 1434H corresponding to 26th March 2013, accepting the resignation of the previous Board Members and absolve them of their actions for the period from 1st January 2013 up to 6th July 2013.

Then elections were conducted and the result was the election of four new members to the Board in addition to the five members who are appointed: from NBB (two members), SIO (two members) and IDB (one member). The following four members are the ones who were successful in the elections:

1. Talal Ali Abdulla Al-Zain
2. Khalil Ebrahim Nooruddin Nooruddin
3. Ebrahim Hussein Ebrahim Abdul-Rahman
4. Othman I. N. Al-Askar

Accordingly, the Board of Directors constitution now is complete with a total number of nine as follows:

1. Mr. Abdul Razak Abdulla Hassan Al Qassim – Chairman
2. Brig. Khalid Mohammed Al Mannai – Vice Chairman
3. Mr. Talal Ali Abdulla Al Zain
4. Mr. Khalil Ebrahim Nooruddin
5. Mr. Mohammed Al Zarrouq Rajab
6. Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Abdulla Ali
7. Mrs. Fatima Abdulla Budhaish
8. Mr. Ebrahim Hussain Ebrahim Abdul Rahman
9. Mr. Osman Ebrahim Naser Al Askar

On this occasion, Mr. Abdul Razak Al Qassim, Chairman of the Board of Directors, congratulated all the new members of the Board on their winning the elections wishing them every success in their duties in the Bank in the coming period.

He also thanked the previous Board members for their efforts in growing Bank’s business during the ensuing period, wishing them all the success in the future.

The Chairman then requested Dr. Abdul Latif Al Mahmood to speak to the Shareholders. Dr. Abdul Latif thanked the former Board of Directors for the sincere efforts made by its members during their term, and he conveyed his heartfelt congratulations to the new members of the Board of Directors for the confidence vested in them by the shareholders.

On his part, Mohammed Ebrahim Mohammed the CEO of the Bank congratulated the new Board members and he wished them the best in their coming duties with the Bank.

He confirmed that the Bank will continue the implementation of its developmental Strategy in the coming period which will concentrate on development services and products presented by the Bank to its customers, he ensured his position to continue in exerting more efforts by all the staff with the aim of achieving the best results for the Bank during the coming period.

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