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By Contributor / 2014-06-13 20:06:40

Paul Hallett, owner of Buster´s Bar, presents the 100 euros to Eileen Mayes, president of Help at Home Costa Blanca joined by members of Harry Parker´s quiz team.

Staff and customers in a bar in Playa Flamenca Commercial Centre, Orihuela Costa, remembered a former regular this week, when they donated 100 euros to the charity Help at Home Costa Blanca.

Harry Parker, who was aged in his early 70s, was a customer of Buster´s Bar for nine years, and regularly joined friends to take part in the weekly bar quiz.

But he suffered from diabetes and was in and out of Torrevieja Hospital. He lived next door to Norah Bond, the past president of the charity, who kept a watchful eye over him for years.

He went back to the UK, where he died last December.

Regulars at the bar had a collection in his memory and raised 100 euros. His daughter wanted the money to be donated to the charity.

Bar owner, Paul Hallett,said: “Because of the turmoil within the charity and there was a dispute as to who was the lawful president, we decided to hold the money until it was resolved.

“We are delighted that the dispute is now over and we can hand the money over to the legitimate charity,” he added.

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