Election big opportunity for our businesswomen

We were delighted to read that a record number of four women have been elected to the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) board , with a fifth one as a reserve member.

Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty King Hamad and Supreme Council for Women president, congratulated the successful women candidates.

The elected women have a huge responsibility of representing the genuine interests and aspirations of women.

They should not throw away this opportunity by being passive members who just attend meetings. During their tenure, they must ensure that women are provided with several opportunities to become successful entrepreneurs, partners and executives in corporate sector.

There are many educated, skilled and enthusiastic women in Bahrain, who if provided opportunities, will certainly prove to the world that they are capable of achieving success in all avenues.

There will be very healthy competition between men and women, and this may even improve the overall efficiency.

If properly utilised, such opportunities can prove to be turning points in women’s progress. Women are generally more organised in work; they are good multi-taskers and are inherently blessed with greater patience and foresightedness.

They can certainly make us proud and contribute to the growth and prosperity of Bahrain – which is the need of the hour.

The elected women should harness both domestic and foreign investments to set up huge industrial, service and trade establishments in Bahrain.

This will provide employment opportunities to the youth, besides engaging them in productive activities and curbing the chances of them going astray, falling prey to unscrupulous political and religious agencies who are trying to let loose violence and terror in this kingdom .
Permit us to express our congratulations and best wishes to the newly elected women dignitaries of the BCCI.
We hope they would work with dedication and interest and do their best for the advancement of people and the government of Bahrain – and more effectively for the women of this country .
Chandra Madhavan

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