I read with interest that Bahrain is to introduce a “Clampdown on fundraising ” (GDN, November 28).
In essence the story seems to say that nobody is going to be allowed to informally and privately raise funds, or make a donation, for any cause unless they have a licence from the government.
Curiously the same edition of the newspaper reported a charitable fundraising ‘Walkathon for cancer’. Will that be permitted next year?
Children and others take part in many sponsored walks, runs and swims throughout the year to raise funds for charities in a range of different countries around the world and this is often done in a very informal way.
We have recently witnessed the two weeks leading up to Poppy day on November 11, when many places around Bahrain had collection boxes to raise funds for the Royal British Legion, a charity for ex-military service and women.
The weekend of November 28/29 sees the Crusaders charity dinner and rugby match to raise funds for men’s cancer charities.
Last week the St Andrews Ball was held in Awali which in many previous years has informally raised funds for the Bahrain Friendship Society for the Blind and other good causes.
And in the news this week we saw that the Bahrain ‘True Blues’ Rangers Supports Club (Football/soccer) raised BD350 for the Royal Marines Charitable Trust (UK).
Will all of these events be deemed to be illegal next year unless the organisers obtain a licence?
Will newspapers be guilty of an ancillary offence if they carry advertising for events at which informal unlicensed fundraising takes place eg collections and raffles etc?
Will the licences be free, or will there be a fee?
And will lawyers, translation agencies and document handlers need to be involved in the application process?
I doubt that donors of hard-earned cash would be pleased to hear that some of the donated money could go into government coffers or the pockets of lawyers to cover the costs of obtaining a licence.