HRH Premier Chairs High-profile Meeting

Manama, Aug. 21 (BNA)— His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa chaired a high-profile security and civil meeting to follow up on progress in implementing the recommendations of the National Assembly to toughen up punishment for terrorism and protect the society from it.
After reviewing reports by the Civil and Security Committees, HRH the Prime Minister underlined the need to tackle the climate generating terrorism by taking measures and stepping up punishment of the instigators of the terror crimes and review their eligibility to keep holding the Bahraini citizenship.

HRH the Premier urged to beef up regulations to prevent funding terrorism and dry up its sources so as to maintain civic peace and security as well as protect public and private interests.

He said those trying to provide a legitimate and national cover for terrorism have become obvious to all and the government will deal decisively with them.

“The hand of the government will remain stretched out to patriotic people who take a clear and explicit stance against violence and terrorism,” he affirmed, noting that those who are trying to burn and destroy their homeland with acts of violence and terrorism do not deserve the honour to belong to it.

He stressed that prevalence of security, which is necessary for economic, political, cultural and civilisational development, depends on drying up sources of terrorism and stopping violence.

He pledged to carry out the recommendations of the National Assembly so that Bahrain remains a model of security, stability and tolerance.


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