Local News Bahrain vows to build on reforms

BAHRAIN yesterday vowed to build on its major achievements in implementing recommendations of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI).

The Cabinet, chaired by His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, stressed that it will follow up and continue the march of reform and development.

Ministers reviewed a summary of Bahrain’s achievements in introducing BICI recommendations, which included:

1. Bahrain has established a national independent commission that reviewed laws and procedures and recommended amendments.

2. A mechanism has been established to determine the accountability of those in the government who have committed unlawful and negligent acts.

3. Bahrain placed the Inspector-General office independent of hierarchical control and founded an ombudsman.

4. Bahrain amended the decree establishing the National Security Agency (NSA) to be the only agency in charge of collection of intelligence information. It also created the post of the Independent Inspector-General.

5. Legislative measures have been adopted which grant the attorney general the power to probe claims of torture and ill-treatment.

6. Bahrain has completed reviewing all convictions issued by the National Safety Courts.

7. A special investigation unit has been established, which continues to work in accordance with the principles of effective deterrence and investigation. This unit has referred many cases to law.

8. An independent authority has been established to investigate complaints of torture, ill-treatment, or excessive use of force.

9. An extensive training programme was carried out on the rules of public order for security forces, the NSA and BDF.

10. Regulatory measures taken with regard to detention and arrests, arrestees and detainees.

11. A programme has been established for integration of security personnel from all sects.

12. Judiciary and prosecutorial personnel are trained on preventing and eradicating torture and ill-treatment.

13. Audiovisual recording equipment has been installed so that all official interviews with detainees would be recorded.

14. Bahrain reviewed all convictions and commuted or cancelled sentences in offence charges related to freedom of political expression.

15. In regard to commuting death sentences and as there are no sentences of the kind issued, Bahrain has fulfilled this BICI recommendation.

16. Compensation and remedies have been provided for families of deceased victims under the Reparation of Victims Fund.

17. A Civil Settlements Office has been established for death and injury cases.

18. Bahrain had assured that the remaining dismissed workers were not because of freedom of expression and assembly.

19. The government ensured that private corporations did not dismiss those who failed to appear for work during the events.

20. All students who have not been criminally charged and adopted clear disciplinary standard, have been reinstated.

21. Bahrain is correcting the status of illegal demolished religious structures. Construction work will end next year.

22. Work is underway on a new Media and Communication Law, based on universal standards of human rights, freedom of expression and pluralism.

23. Bahrain founded an independent High Authority for Media and Communication that is working on developing professional standards that include the Code of Conduct and the implementation mechanism.

24. Legislative measures undertaken to prevent incitement to violence and sectarianism.

25. Educational programmes promoting political and religious tolerance, human rights and the rule of law have been developed.

26. Progress has been made in implementing reconciliation programmes that target those who perceive themselves to be deprived.

Minister of State for Information Affairs and government’s official spokeswoman Sameera Rajab yesterday claimed there are only six BICI recommendations waiting to be implemented.

The GDN reported yesterday that the BICI Follow-Up Unit, in its third report, stated 19 of 26 findings were implemented in full, while work on the remaining seven is still ongoing. However, Ms Rajab insisted there were only six recommendations left, but did not elaborate. “We have to be realistic that the remaining six require a lengthy process and some are beyond the government’s hands and need to be studied by the National Assembly,” she said.

“The six are in developed stages and will be completed in time.”


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