What you see in the map are ethnic Persian lands in Uzbekistan, China, India, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, Azerbeyjan and Qatar liberated. Kuwait, Bahrain and UAE consitute a population that is anywhere bewteen 20 to 40% ethnically Persian, Iraq has around 1 million ethnic Persians according to its demographics, but the real number many experts say is much more as millions upon millions of iraqis are of Persian decent. Iraqi Persians have been discriminated against in the past by arab regimes, one of many case being when Saddam Hussien the tyrant exiled around 100 thousand iraqis of Persian ethnicity back in the 1970’s, but not only did Iraq oppress its Persian minority, Bahrain also supresses them aswell even to this day. Certian cities in Bahrain for example are only for sunni arabs, and no Persians, whether shia or sunni are welcome or allowed to settle there, the protests in bahrain were also sparked when an acitivist of Persian background was shot and killed,
Furthermore, around 10% of Qatar is ethnic Persian, many decendant of Persian merchants dating back to the times of the Achaemenids, Parthians and Sassanids. India has a Parsi community, one of the most educated and succesful communities in India. Azerbeyjan also occupies Tat land. The Tats are an ethnic Persian group who are decendant of the Sassanid families and nobles. Parts of Pakistan, most of northern Afghanistan, China and a huge percentage of Uzbekistan are populated by ethnic Tajik Persians. As you can tell by the map, northern Afghanistan and Tajikestan along with the central asian lands populated with Persians will form into the ancient territory of Khorrosan.
As for Iran, all Iranians who consider themselves as ethnic Persians and follow our culture should be welcomed, no matter their ethnicity, hence why you see parts of Kurdistan, Azerbeyjan and Baluchistan under the banner of Persia, as most of these populations are persified already and any land we do give these people who wish to seperate will be little and will be done under our terms or else well just simply expel them.
I would also like to address pan-Iranism, which is an unrealistic ideology as the Kurds, Pashtuns, northern Azeris, Armenians etc.. don’t even like Iranians and want their own states, as they should because everyone wants and deserves a homeland. This pan iranist ideology today has polluted the minds of many Iranian and Persian nationalists, by giving them a false sense of hope in a movement that is never going to work, and also the fact that Persians and Iranians do not need these people mor their nations because they would only be a burden on us.
We have enough resources and land to make a strong nation militarily, culturally and economically, all we need is good leadership, leaders that follow the banner of Persian/Iranian nationalism.
Thanks for reading and dorood bar shoma.