MANAMA, Kingdom of Bahrain, June 26, 2014 /PRNewswire/ —
Bahrain ranked amongst Top 8 countries on the Global Web Index
The Kingdom of Bahrain has achieved an advanced rank in the UN eGovernment Survey 2014 on the eGovernment readiness and quality of eServices, were it was rated at the forefront of five geographic regions achieving rank number 18 worldwide and 1st on the the Arab and Middle East countries with its eGovernment readiness.
The report is integral and comprehensive in measuring the readiness of eGovernment and is the only report globally that evaluates the readiness of 193 world countries and United Nations Member States. It has indicated the advancement of Bahrain on the eParticipation Index – occupying the 14th rank after it had been the 19th within the last report in 2012. Such an achievement s moved Bahrain ahead It was also classified, for the 3rd consecutive time, as one of the top 8 countries in the Global Web Index.
The Kingdom of Bahrain attains the confidence of the international community and as a result, it has been selected as the 1st Arab country and the 4th world state to host the United Nations Public Service Forum in 2013 outside the United Nations’ headquarters in New York.
Bahrain was also selected, by the UN, as the 1st country in the world to be visited by large delegations representing various countries to benefit from its experience in the field of eGovernment and sign agreements – aiming at transferring its successful experiences and assist these countries to develop their own eGovernment strategies.
The country has also hosted a number of visits from high level delegations from more than 25 countries and international organizations that benefited from the experience of the Kingdom in the field of eGovernment and public service.
Most of the world countries and eGovernment programmes include improving their ranking on the index as being part of their ultimate strategic goals.
Contact: Maryam Salim / T: +973-17-430-001
SOURCE Kingdom of Bahrain eGovernment Authority