Ortadoğu’ya barış getiren proje!

Ortadoğu hükümetleri kökleri çok eskiye dayanan gerginliklerle uğraşadursun bölgenin bilim insanları sınırları aşan çok önemli bir projeye imza atıyor. Türkiye, İran, İsrail, Filistin, Güney Kıbrıs, Mısır, Bahreyn, Ürdün ve Pakistan ortak bir projeyle Ortadoğu'nun CERN'ini Ürdün'de inşa ediyor. Ortadoğu'nun en geniş katılımlı bilim ve araştırma merkezi olacak SESAME, 2015'te faaliyete geçecek ve bölgenin ilk senkrotron parçacık hızlandırıcısına ev sahipliği Read more [...]


   新華社麥納麥11月28日電(記者王波)巴林第一副首相謝赫穆罕默德27日在首相府會見了寧夏回族自治區黨委副書記、秘書長崔波率領的中共友好代表團。     崔波轉達了中國黨和國家領導人對巴林領導人的問候,對巴林國王哈馬德在中共新一屆領導人當選之際致函祝賀表示感謝。     他說,中巴建交以來各領域關係持續發展,雙邊政治互信不斷增強,在國際和地區事務中保持著良好的溝通與合作。中方讚賞巴林政府在涉及中國核心利益問題上給予寶貴支持,並支持巴林政府為維護國家穩定採取的舉措。     他強調,中方願與巴方共同努力,進一步促進兩國在各個領域的友好合作。崔波介紹了中共十八大有關情況及寧夏的發展情況。     謝赫穆罕默德說,巴方高度關注中共十八大,對中國的發展道路表示欽佩和讚賞,祝願中國為世界穩定和發展作出更大貢獻。他表示,巴中傳統友好,進一步發展雙邊關係符合兩國人民利益。巴方願與中方一道,共同落實雙方合作意願,並願加強與寧夏在經貿領域的交流。       崔波一行應巴林政府邀請訪巴期間,還會見了巴林外交國務大臣加尼姆、巴林商會中國事務負責人賈瓦德等。中國駐巴大使李琛參加了上述會見。(完) Read more [...]

Кыргызстанец Б.Кочкаров будет обслуживать матчи Кубка Персидского залива

Бишкек, 28 ноября /Кабар/. Кыргызстанский ассистент рефери ФИФА Бахадыр Кочкаров получил приглашение на обслуживание матчей Кубка Персидского залива в составе бригады Равшана Ирматова из Узбекистана. Об этом сообщили в пресс-службе Федерации футбола КР. Матчи пройдут в Бахрейне Read more [...]

Employment opportunities up for grabs at ‘Jasmi’s Career Day’!

Due to Jasmi's recent dynamic and continuous expansion plans, a number of vacancies are now available at different branches of the leading fast food venture.Jasmi's is looking to fill these spots with young, vibrant and enthusiastic individuals of Bahraini nationality, who have the optimum potential and drive to contribute to the growth of the business. "As a 100% Bahraini owned company, we at Jasmi's believe that it is part of our corporate social responsibility and commitment to play an Read more [...]

Bahrain sentences protest docs to prison

A court in Bahrain has sentenced 23 medical professionals to 3 months in prison each or payment of a fine for involvement in last year's pro-democracy protests, according to the BBC. Prosecutor Abdulrahman al-Sayyed said 5 other medics have been exonerated. The sentences follow the publication of an Amnesty International report which criticized the kingdom for its “spiralling” repression. At least 95 health workers were arrested between February and March 2011, drawing widespread international Read more [...]

Upstream issues probed [Gulf Daily News (Bahrain)]

<!-- end javascript to email the article -->  Al Bawaba Ltd. MANAMA: Upstream petroleum industry worldwide is venturing into unconventional initiatives to extract additional barrels of oil from complex reservoirs. That was the message from Finance Minister and Minister in charge of Oil and Gas Affairs Shaikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa at the opening of the two-day Artificial Lift Conference and Exhibition at the Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Read more [...]


Από τη συνάντηση με τη Συνομοσπονδία Ελεύθερων Συνδικάτων ΜπαχρέινΑντιπροσωπεία της Συνομοσπονδίας Ελεύθερων Συνδικάτων Μπαχρέιν είχε χτες συνάντηση με την ηγεσία της Παγκόσμιας Συνδικαλιστικής Ομοσπονδίας στην Αθήνα και συζήτησαν για την κατάσταση του συνδικαλιστικού Read more [...]

Кыргызско-узбекская футбольная бригада арбитров приглашена на Кубок Персидского Залива

Ташкент, 28 ноября /Туланбай Курбанов – Кабар/. Бригада арбитров во главе рефери ФИФА Равшана Ирматова получила приглашение на обслуживание матчей Кубка Персидского Залива 2013. Как сообщили в пресс-службе Федерации футбола Узбекистана /ФФУ/, с 5 по 18 января 2013 года в Бахрейне Read more [...]

최루탄 난무 바레인에 록가수 문화대사 소동

26일(현지시간) 빅토리아 뉼런드 미 국무부 대변인은 정례 브리핑에서 “국무부가 록가수 앤드루 W K(33)를 중동에 문화 대사로 파견한다는 것은 사실이 아니다”며 “실수가 있었다”고 밝혔다. 무슨 일이 있었던 걸까. 지난 23일 앤드루 W K는 자신의 홈페이지(andrewwk.com)에 “미 국무부 문화대사로 선정돼 12월 바레인에서 파티 분위기와 세계 평화를 북돋우고 올 것”이라고 Read more [...]