Jumblat Slams Aoun’s ‘Reckless, Biased’ Stances on Bahrain

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Thursday blasted Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun over his stances on Bahrain, saying Lebanon must not be “implicated in reckless, hasty and biased political stances.” In remarks published by the National News Agency on Thursday evening, Jumblat criticized “the latest statements on the Kingdom of Bahrain, which is going through a difficult period in its history.” Aoun has recently criticized the international community Read more [...]

Hakkari’de ‘Kürt Sorunu’ Konferansı

Gazeteci-yazar Cengiz Çandar, başlatılan süreçle ülkeye gerçek bir barışın geleceğini söyledi.   Gazeteci-yazar Cengiz Çandar, başlatılan süreçle ülkeye gerçek bir barışın geleceğini söyledi.Hakkari Üniversitesi tarafından düzenlenen "Arap Baharı Ekseninde Türkiye'de Kürt Sorunu" konulu konferans Atatürk Kültür Merkezi'nde yapıldı. Konferansa konuşmacı olarak katılan gazeteci-yazar Cengiz Çandar, bir süre Kürtçe yaptığı konuşmanın ardından Read more [...]


    新華網貝魯特2月21日電(記者劉順)黎巴嫩總理米卡提21日在貝魯特會見海灣阿拉伯國家合作委員會(海合會)一些成員國駐黎巴嫩使節時說,黎巴嫩不會幹涉這些國家內部事務,黎希望同它們發展良好關係。     黎巴嫩總理府當天發表聲明說,米卡提在會見海合會成員國卡塔爾、阿曼、科威特和阿聯酋駐黎巴嫩使節時強調,黎巴嫩希望同阿拉伯國家、特別是海合會國家保持良好關係,一些黎政治派別發表的言論不代表政府的立場。     米卡提呼吁黎巴嫩各派遵守全國對話會發表的公報,即黎巴嫩在地區和國際衝突中保持中立立場,避免使其遭受地區衝突和危機帶來的負面影響。     米卡提指出,黎巴嫩同海灣國家過去一直保持友好、兄弟和真誠的關係,將來也會如此,不會受任何言論的影響。絕大多數黎巴嫩人讚賞海灣國家一貫支持黎巴嫩的復興和繁榮。     黎巴嫩自由國民陣線主席奧恩近日發表電視講話,批評巴林政府鎮壓國內示威活動,遭到巴林和海合會的抗議。巴林外交部日前召見黎巴嫩駐巴林大使館臨時代辦,要求黎政府就此正式闡明立場。此外,一些黎巴嫩人近日在貝魯特北郊一座人行天橋上懸挂醜化沙特國王阿卜杜拉的畫像,以報復此前一家沙特報紙刊登醜化黎巴嫩基督教馬龍派大主教的漫畫。     黎巴嫩總統蘇萊曼20日在內閣會議上說,黎巴嫩希望同各國特別是阿拉伯國家發展關係,要求國民對埃及、突尼斯、利比亞、也門、敘利亞、巴林發生的暴力事件保持中立,不幹涉這些國家的內部事務。 Read more [...]

Dialogue resumes, but street violence continues

Ali Ahmad’s brother, Saeed, owns the trucking and cargo company. He had hoped his son would join him, but that’s not an option for the next decade. Maktar Saeed, who is 18, will be spending the next 10 years behind bars for rioting and street violence. He was convicted on Tuesday and also ordered to pay restitution of 15,000 Bahraini dinars (Dh146,000).

Zayed Foundation supports wedding of 100 couples in Bahrain

ABU DHABI: The Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation has provided financial support for the wedding of 100 Bahraini couples aimed at alleviating their expenditures and helping them to start a stable family life, which will contribute in the development and progress of the society.Ahmed Shabib Al Dhahiri, Director-General of the Foundation, who participated in the marriage ceremony said that Read more [...]

Batelco is platinum sponsor for UoB career day

Manama, Feb. 21 (BNA)-- Bahrain’s leading integrated communications’ provider Batelco, said it was the platinum sponsor of the University of Bahrain (UoB) Career Day. The event will be held at the university’s Sakhir campus on March 11, 12 and 13. Batelco General Manager Human Resources, Suhaila Al Nowakhda, presented the sponsorship cheque to UoB Vice President for Community Service and Alumni Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Mansour Read more [...]

Bahrain Credit reports 41pc rise in profit

Bahrain Credit reports 41pc rise in profit Manama, 1 hours, 33 minutes ago Bahrain Commercial Facilities Company (Bahrain Credit) has reported a net profit of BD12.3 million ($32.6 million) for last year, 41 per cent higher than BD8.7 million earned in 2011. Profit for the fourth quarter of last year was BD2.8 million, as compared to BD2.5 million for 2011, said a company statement. The board of the company has recommended a cash dividend of 40 per cent Read more [...]

Анатолий «Эль Мюрид»: Осталось недолго

Столкновения между силами правопорядка и оппозицией в Бахрейне могут стать точкой, которая развернет события в арабском мире в крайне нежелательном направлении. Ситуация в любой момент может выйти из-под контроля властей.«Бахрейн стал первой страной залива, в которой практически Read more [...]