
    巴林開倒車擴外勞比例    由阿曼政府人力部的數據顯示,一些司機、吊機操作員、前台接待員、公關、保安及非技術性工種,一定要百分百本地員工;店員、儲倉、資料錄入、商品推廣及展銷、收債等職位,九成要本土人;一些高技術工種如數據分析、IT、會計,辛苦及骯髒行業如包餠師、鮮肉銷售等,可以寬些,三四成本土人便可。《經濟殺手的吿白》一書作者珀金斯在其另一本著作《阿美利加帝國》中,有一段說話(大約)談到:“沙特阿拉伯人認為,凡是體面的人都不會去從事那種(清道夫)工作,使人吃驚的是首都利雅德滿街垃圾,由山羊來解決(吃垃圾)。結果為美國企業造就機會,他們設計及承包了一套垃圾收集系統,錢當然是從此袋入他們的袋。”由此可管窺油國微妙的就業情況。    海灣六國中本地化做得最好的國家是巴林,政府工作都是本地人之餘,兩成私企員工也是本土人。然而,巴林最近說,它要檢討其員工本土化計劃,因為這些計劃影響到經濟。這反映出本土化因為生產力倒退而導致經濟表現不佳,反而影響整體國家民生。這是六國之中唯一考慮開倒車,重新擴大外勞比例的油國。    海灣六國的失業問題,反映出整個中東及北非地區年靑人口不斷增加(這同穆斯林高生育率有關,但摩洛哥除外),但經濟趕不上人口增速,勞動市場無法吸納愈來愈龐大的勞力隊伍,形成嚴峻的社會問題。    海灣六國因為有石油收入,面對失業問題,自然可以用錢去紓緩。但中東其他的非石油出口國,就沒有這麼幸運了。    (勞動節說海灣外勞·十八)    沈  實 Read more [...]

Bahrain Attends Arab League Meeting

Cairo-May-21(BNA) Bahrain Ambassador to Egypt and Permanent Representative to the Arab League Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulrahman Al-Khalifa today attended an urgent meeting to discuss the developments of the Syrian crisis, in the aftermath of the atrocities perpetrated in Al-Qassir . Egyptian delegate Amro Abul-Ata chaired the session in the presence of Arab League secretary-general Dr. Nabeel Al-Arabi. The Arab representatives discussed Read more [...]

Bahrain’s Batelco says CEO leaves, former boss steps in

Bahrain Telecommunications Co (Batelco), which has suffered a sustained profit slump, said Sheikh Mohamed bin Isa al-Khalifa had quit as chief executive and his predecessor would temporarily re-take the helm. Sheikh Mohamed became CEO in October 2011, having previously served as deputy chairman. He replaced long-serving Peter Kaliaropoulos, who became Group Chief Executive Officer for Strategic Assignments. Batelco has now appointed Kaliaropoulos as chief operating officer and he, along with a three-person Read more [...]

Bahrain Ambassador Receives Arab Parliament Secretary General

Cairo-May-21(BNA) Bahrain Ambassador to Egypt and Permanent Representative to the Arab League Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulrahman Al-Khalifa today received Arab Parliament Secretary-General Dr Abdel Nasser Janahi and discussed ways of enhancing cooperation between Arab Parliament and the Kingdom. The ambassador commended the crucial role of the Arab Parliament in addressing the regional challenges. Dr. Janahi praised the Read more [...]

McLaren, Whitmarsh su Perez: "Pilota promettente, ma deve battere …

Si stanno rialzando le quotazioni di Sergio Perez in McLaren. La considerazione nei suoi confronti da parte del team principal Martin Whitmarsh è, infatti, aumentata dopo le ultime due gare dove ha preceduto all’arrivo il compagno di team Jenson Button in Bahrain e ha conquistato punti anche a Barcellona. Secondo Whitmarsh, Perez sta mostrando le qualità che hanno spinto il team di Woking a sceglierlo come sostituto di Lewis Hamilton. “Checo sta mostrando l’intelligenza e il ritmo naturale Read more [...]

Dokter Hartstein: "Standpunt over Bahrein reden voor ontslag"

Dokter Hartstein: "Standpunt over Bahrein reden voor ontslag" Gary Hartstein denkt dat zijn standpunt en mening over de Grand Prix van Bahrein hem zijn baan hebben gekost. De Amerikaan was jarenlang de officile dokter van de Formule 1, maar zijn contract werd om onduidelijke redenen niet verlengd aan het begin van dit jaar. Volgens Hartstein mede door zijn mening over de Bahreinse Grand Prix. "Voor de Grand Prix van Bahrein van 2012 wilde ik een centraal noodnummer opzetten, Read more [...]

Бахрейн нацелен на быстрый рост туризма

21.05.2013, 09:40:51 в закладки Королевство Бахрейн ожидает быстрого продвижения своего туристического плана с учетом того, что правительство подписало многомиллиардные проекты на развитие транспортной Read more [...]

В.Гулевич: Шииты Бахрейна требуют смены режима

В.Гулевич: Шииты Бахрейна требуют смены режима05:35 21.05.2013 Мировые СМИ крайне скупо освещают волнения в Бахрейне – небольшом островном государстве, ключевом союзнике Саудовской Аравии и США в Персидском заливе.10 мая 2013 г. в городке Даих, населенном преимущественно шиитами, состоялся Read more [...]

5 More US Patrol Ships Heading to the Gulf

Five more coastal patrol ships are moving to Bahrain starting this summer.The Tempest, Squall and Thunderbolt are scheduled to move from Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, Va., and begin operations in the Persian Gulf this year, Navy officials announced Friday.Two more, the Hurricane and Monsoon, are slated to move to the gulf in 2014.Once completed, this move will put a total of 10 of the Navy’s 13 coastal patrol ships operating forward.The five PCs currently stationed in Bahrain Read more [...]

Bahrain jails Shias over terrorism – The Peninsula – Peninsula On

    DUBAI: A Bahraini court sentenced nine Shias to jail terms ranging between 10 and 15 years yesterday after convicting them of forming a “terrorist” group, a judicial source said. Cleric Ahmed Al Majed and a second defendant were jailed for 15 years, while a third defendant was sentenced to 10 years. The three were the only defendants to appear in court, as the other six remain at large and were sentenced in absentia to 10 years, the source said. The first two were Read more [...]