Eccesso di velocità in pit lane: d’ora in poi pagano le squadre

Accolta la richiesta della GPDA. A partire dal GP del Bahrain, è entrata in vigore una nuova norma: multe meno salate e imposte alle squadre. La rivista britannica AUTOSPORT rivela che la FIA, su richiesta della GPDA, ha stabilito che le multe per l’eccesso di velocità in pit lane non saranno più imponibili ai piloti, bensì alle squadre. La Federazione aveva già acconsentito alla richiesta del sindacato dei piloti prima dell’inizio della stagione, considerando l’importante aumento Read more [...]

Arap borsaları yükseldi

Yükselen Arap borsaları içinde en fazla değer kazanan Dubai borsası oldu. Dubai borsası yüzde 1,6 artışla 2.291,4 puana çıkarken, Umman borsası yüzde 0,54 artarak 6.353,4 puana, Mısır borsası yüzde 0,34 yükselişle 5.418,9 puana yükseldi. Yine yükseliş yönünde güne başlayan Arap borsalarından Bahreyn borsası yüzde 0,07'lik kazançla 1.149,3 puan, Katar borsası yüzde 0,04 artışla 8.942,5 puan, Ürdün borsası yüzde 0.03 primle 2.019,5 puan seviyelerinde Read more [...]

찰스 왕세자, 바레인 독재정권 두둔 ‘구설’

바레인 건설사업 계약수주에 영향력 행사 (런던=연합뉴스) 김태한 특파원 = 영국 찰스 왕세자가 바레인의 건설사업 이권에 개입해 독재 정권을 두둔한다는 구설에 휘말렸다고 15일(현지시간) 일간지 가디언이 보도했다. 찰스 왕세자가 이사장으로 활동하는 영국의 부동산 개발 공익재단이 바레인 정부와 주택건설 프로젝트를 위한 자문 계약을 체결한 것이 발단이 됐다. 이에 Read more [...]


  根據普華永道會計及諮詢事務所的一項調查,在海灣地區最主要的三個金融商貿中心中,城市國家巴林相對阿聯酋的迪拜和卡達的多哈,有更具競爭性的金融機構營商成本優勢。   基於對截至2012年的數據進行的對比分析,這份調查得出的結論是,對於一個外國金融機構而言,從平均每個員工每月的雇傭成本看,如果是本地人,巴林的成本為5830美元,迪拜國際金融中心地區為7420美元,而卡達金融中心地區為9040美元。如果員工是公司外派人員,則每月每人平均成本依次為5830、7140和7500美元。 Read more [...]

Bahraini blogger says granted asylum in Britain

A Bahraini blogger and human rights activist said he had been granted asylum in Britain after being in hiding for two years. A leading voice among protesters during anti-government demonstrations in 2011, Ali Abdulemam hid to escape a government crackdown and was smuggled out by fishermen. A military court tried and sentenced him in absentia to 15 years in prison. "I have not seen my daughters since they were six-months-old. It is hard to know that your daughters know you only from a picture," said Read more [...]

Bahrain grants citizenship to 240 British citizens

Home Legal News Article May 14 2013 more articles from Tuesday, May 14, 2013Manama: Bahrain has granted its nationality to 240 British citizens, King Hamad Bin Eisa Al Khalifa has said, adding that his country was home to 9,000 permanent British residents. “There are some 9,000 permanent British residents in Bahrain making a major contribution to the prosperity of the kingdom as they have always done,” King Hamad said. “Indeed I am proud to say Read more [...]

LIFE’S A BEACH! – Gulf Weekly

LIFE’S A BEACH!Stan SzecowkaPosted On » May 15 - 21, 2013 (Volume:12 / Issue 20) SPORTS lovers will be going beach barmy this coming Friday at Amwaj Islands as Bahrain hosts its first wSports ‘Beach Fever’ Festival as part of the 2013 Manama Capital of Arab Tourism celebrations. A host of attractions are being staged at Kite Beach with competitive action, music, merriment and children’s entertainment in a bid to woo thousands of families and fans to the event.Event organisers Sportique88 Read more [...]