‘라쉬드’바레인 내무부장관 접견하는 경찰청장

이성한 경찰청장이 14일 오후 서대문구 미근동 경찰청 제2회의실에서 ‘라쉬드’바레인 내무부장관 일행을 접견하고 기념 촬영을 하고 있다. 이날 이성한 경찰청장은 한-바레인 경찰간 대테러 분야 등 양국간 치안협력 강화 및 한국 경찰의 치안인프라 전수 방안 등을 논의했다.(경찰청 제공)2013.5.14/뉴스1 저작권자 © 뉴스1코리아, 무단전재 Read more [...]

Pirelli, via al cambio gomme. Ecco cosa succederà in F1

di Carlo VanziniOggi la Pirelli annuncia cambiamenti per le gomme di F1. Troppe le delaminazioni negli ultimi due gran premi. Sei in totale, tra Bahrain e Spagna. Per delaminazione s'intende il battistrada che vola via mentre la struttura interna, grazie alla lamina d'acciaio, resta gonfia, consentendo così a Di Resta, durante le prove libere, in una curva veloce verso destra, di non andare a sbattere verso sinistra, cosa che sarebbe successa per lo scoppio totale della gomma Read more [...]

Was de radioboodschap aan Perez in Barcelona wel of niet bedoeld als …

McLaren heeft een radioboodschap aan het adres van Sergio Perez tijdens de Spaanse Grand Prix afgelopen zondag als een 'team order' ontkend. Nadat de Mexicaan en teamgenoot Jenson Buttons onlangs in aanvaring kwamen in Bahrein, zei teambaas Martin Whitmarsh dat het incident bevestigde dat het team haar coureurs laat racen. Maar in de slotfase in Barcelona, reed de jonge F1-piloot wederom naar zijn ervaren teamgenoot toe, maar werd via de teamradio verteld, om zijn banden te sparen. De 22-jarige, Read more [...]

Whitmarsh: "Geen teamorders gegeven in Spanje"

English Nederlands Español Italiano NieuwsHet laatste nieuwsFormule 1GP2GP3Formule 3World Series by RenaultIndyCarWTCCDTMMotoGPNieuwsarchievenFormule 1GP2GP3Europees F3Brits F3Duits F3Grand Prix van MacauMasters of Formula 3Grand Prix de PauWorld Series by RenaultIndyCarWTCCDTMMotoGPMoto2Moto3Column VerstappenVraag het GiedoZoekenGPUpdate TVFoto'sFormule 1GrandPrixRijdersTeamsTeampresentatiesTest sessiesGP2GrandPrixRijdersTeamsTeampresentatiesTest Read more [...]

Mỹ sẽ điều động thêm tàu tuần tra đến Bahrain

Theo kế hoạch, hải quân Mỹ sẽ điều động ba tàu tuần tra ven bờ từ căn cứ viễn chinh hỗn hợp Little Creek, bang Virginia và bắt đầu tiến hành hoạt động tại vùng Vịnh từ mùa hè năm nay. Ba chiếc tàu tuần tra ven bờ gồm USS Tempest (PC-2), USS Squall (PC-7) và USS Thunderbolt (PC-12). Hai chiếc tàu còn lại là USS Hurricane (PC-3) và USS Monsoon (PC-4) sẽ được triển khai điều động đến vùng Vịnh vào mùa xuân Read more [...]

Bahrain to launch major energy saving drive

Trade Arabia reported that Bahrain is set to save hundreds of thousands of dinars through energy conservation initiatives, a top official said that. Electricity and Water Authority distribution and customer services deputy chief executive Mr Adnan Fakhro said the EWA had been taking serious steps on energy conservation, efficiency and renewable energy, according to a report in the Gulf Daily News, our sister publication. He was speaking during a Press conference at the Gulf Hotel to announce the Read more [...]

Oman book World Cup berth

Muscat: Oman beat Bahrain 2-1 in the ongoing 4th Asian Men's Beach Handball Championship in Hong Kong yesterday to qualify for the 2014 World Cup Beach Handball Championship to be held in Morocco. This is the fourth time that Oman has qualified for the World Cup Beach Handball Championship; they hosted the event last summer and finished eighth in the 12-nation tournament. The Sultanate had finished ninth in the 2010 edition in Turkey. Oman also participated in the inaugural edition of the World Cup Read more [...]


【CNML格式】 【大 中 小】 【打 印】  【 第1頁 第2頁 第3頁 第4頁 第5頁 】  世界遺產——卡拉特考古遺址(組圖)http://www.chinareviewnews.com   2013-05-14 10:48:54   5月11日,幾名遊人從卡拉特考古遺址外走過。位於波斯灣岸邊的卡拉特考古遺址是巴林的一個古代遺址,為典型的臺形人工土墩遺址,地下有連續許多層人類居住遺跡的堆積。遺址證明了這一地區從大約公元前2300年至16世紀期間有人類文明存在。遺址大約發掘了總面積的25%,已發掘區顯示當地歷史上存在住宅、公共、商業、宗教和軍事區,同時表明歷史上該地區對外貿易較為繁榮。聯合國教科文組織於2005年將卡拉特考古遺址列入《世界遺產名錄》。新華社  Read more [...]