Kingdom of Bahrain to Launch Organ Donation Database – SYS

<![CDATA[ ]]>MANAMA, Bahrain, June 19, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Coinciding with the launch of the Bahrain Foundation for Organ Relief, the Kingdom is in the process of establishing its first organ donation database. The new database will involve the distribution of organ donor cards similar to those carried by people in the West. The Foundation is in the final stages of securing permission from Bahrain's Health Ministry to carry out the organ Read more [...]


俄新網RUSNEWS.CN巴黎航展(法國)6月19日電 俄羅斯蘇霍伊民用飛機公司總裁卡里諾夫斯基向俄新社表示,該公司計劃年底前簽約向巴林供應蘇霍伊超級噴機-100支線客機(SSJ-100)。卡里諾夫斯基周三在巴黎航展上表示,“年底前我們希望簽約訂購SSJ-100客機的合同”。他強調,巴林AeroLease公司將幫助蘇霍伊民用飛機公司將SSJ-100客機推向世界民用航空市場。早前在巴黎航展上蘇霍伊民用飛機公司與巴林租賃公司AeroLease簽署了意向性協議。蘇霍伊-100超級噴氣式飛機是現代支線飛機,以西方最新技術為基礎,配備兩個由噴氣動力公司(PowerJet)生產的SaM146發動機。目前俄羅斯航空公司(Aeroflot)、雅庫特航空公司、印度尼西亞天空航空公司(Sky Read more [...]

TSC meets on tourism development

Manama, June 19 (BNA) -- The Tourism Sector Committee (TSC) at the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry today held a meeting at Baet Al-Tijjar with a number of concerned private and government sectors to discuss the obstacles facing the tourism sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Committee called for cooperation between government and private sectors and find necessary proposals to push and develop tourism sector, Read more [...]

Transportation Minister Meets Turkish Deputy Defence Minister

Paris, June 19 (BNA)-- Transportation Minister Kamal bin Ahmed Mohammed met here today Turkish Deputy Defence Minister Hasan Kemal Yard?mc? and Deputy Undersecretary at Turkey's Undersecretariat for Defence Industries Serdar Demirel during a visit they paid to Bahrain's pavilion at the 50th International Paris Air Show -Le Bourget 2013. The meeting was held on the sidelines of a visit to France to attend the airshow which is held Read more [...]

F1 2014, calendario con 21 gran premi: si partirà dal Bahrain?

Intensissimo. E’ come si annuncia il mondiale di F1 2014 e non solo per l’introduzione dei motori turbo V6. Sarà un calendario quantomai ricco di appuntamenti, lasciando le lunghe pause vissute finora solo un vago ricordo. Una stagione da 21 gran premi è forse il limite massimo sostenibile dai team senza ripensare l’intera organizzazione interna, ma siccome a decidere è Ecclestone – come esplicitamente indicato Read more [...]

ГСС хотят в 2013 г подписать контракты на поставку SSJ-100 в Бахрейн

Ещё по теме ЛЕ БУРЖЕ (Франция), 19 июн — РИА Новости. ЗАО "Гражданские самолеты Сухого" планирует к концу 2013 года заключить твердые контракты на поставку самолетов Sukhoi Superjet-100 в Бахрейн, сообщил РИА Новости президент ГСС Андрей Калиновский. "К концу года мы рассчитываем на подписание Read more [...]

F1 calendario 2014: il Bahrain sarà la gara d’apertura?

Mentre il Mondiale 2013 sta entrando sempre più nel vivo, arrivano le prime indiscrezioni sul calendario per la prossima stagione. Con l’introduzione dei Gp di Russia e New Jersey, la stagione dovrebbe incrementare il numero delle gare da 19 a 21, ma la novità di queste ultime ore dovrebbe essere il cambio sulla prima prova del campionato: non più il Read more [...]

AeroLease намерена участвовать в приобретении самолетов Sukhoi SuperJet-100

На активистку «Украинского выбора» напали националистыАнглийский политик признался, что имеет ребенка от инопланетянки. Все хорошо, вот только жена огорчаетсяВ Венецианской комиссии отметили успехи Украины в реформировании судоустройстваКак украсть миллион. СБУ передала Read more [...]


(日內瓦19日綜合電)2014年的F1賽程將于今年8月公佈,一些分站賽的命運卻已提前見出端倪。儘管巴林政治局勢動盪不安,2014年的巴林站大獎賽仍舊沒有取消的打算,只是預計舉辦時間會調整到2014年的3月2日,成為新賽季的揭幕戰。而印度站和韓國站可能會從2014年F1賽程消失。 2013年的巴林F1分站賽舉辦期間,由于什葉派反政府人士在比賽期間發起大規模抗議示威活動。巴林出動8000余警力粉碎了多起恐怖襲擊陰謀和破壞計劃,譬如在賽場入口處抓獲兩名企圖實施恐怖襲擊的年輕女子,于多地繳獲1000余枚燃燒彈,打量自製槍支和137只用于焚燒的輪胎等物,方才確保比賽安全結束。此外,2011年的巴林站比賽,就曾因巴林爆發大規模反政府活動而被迫取消。此外,韓國賽事主辦方手中的F1主辦權合同,雖然直到2016年才結束,但韓國站的關注度低得可憐,可能會提前取消。而印度站主辦方則嚴重缺乏資金支持2014年的比賽。《速度週刊》文章提到:「我們聽說印度站的比賽只有2013年是有資金支持的,但2014年就沒了。印度方面猜測,大獎賽主贊助商Jaypee集團已經瀕臨破產。」 Read more [...]