СМИ: Парламент Бахрейна ввел запрет на демонстрации в столице

В феврале 2011 года на Бахрейне, как и во многих других арабских странах, начались антиправительственные волнения. Ситуация осложнялась тем, что большинство населения королевства составляют шииты, в то время как правящая династия исповедует ислам суннитского толка. Участники Read more [...]


  原標題:巴林將嚴懲反政府的恐怖和暴力活動   國際線上消息:據新華社電,巴林議會28日召開特別會議並通過決議,要求對日益升級的反政府恐怖和暴力活動加大打擊和懲罰力度,以保證國家安全和社會穩定。   決議說,今後將對恐怖活動的實施者予以剝奪國籍的懲處;對煽動和支援恐怖和暴力活動的政治組織採取法律措施;禁止在首都麥納麥舉行任何示威遊行。決議還授權安全部隊為保衛人民安全可採取相應措施。 Read more [...]


〔自由時報記者林宗偉/台北報導〕留著挑染金髮,外表看起來酷酷的溫洧傑,繼泰國、巴林青少年公開賽陸續奪得18歲組男單冠軍後,昨男單桌球項目,又一路過關斬將殺到金牌戰,亮麗成績難以想像3年多前,他是如何從骨折手傷中重新站起來?粉碎性骨折咬牙復健「他(溫洧傑)一度想放棄打桌球。」姊姊溫彥芸有點不捨地說。2010年就讀國三的溫洧傑發生車禍,右手前肢粉碎性骨折,讓他曾中斷練習將近1年。復健的過程相當辛苦,爸媽也一度勸說可以挑別條路走,但小三就開始打桌球的溫洧傑,對於自己的未來很有主見,仍咬著牙撐下去,終於等到松山家商的校長與教練團親自拜訪邀請加入,讓他再走回桌球之路。外冷內熱女人緣不錯昨溫家3口特別從新竹來加油,溫彥芸一早就在場邊觀戰,聊著寶貝弟弟,她爆料看起來冷冷的溫洧傑,在家中很活潑,女人緣也不錯,只是個性可以再積極一點,打比賽不要想當老二,「要拚啦!」從傷痛中重新站起來,榮耀背後,溫洧傑除感謝松商栽培外,更歸功於復健期間的親情羈絆,昨天男單冠軍賽前,他感性地說:「如果能拿下金牌,最要感謝的就是一路陪伴我的家人。」 Read more [...]


二○一三年台北青少年桌球公開賽,十八歲男單組的松山家商溫洧傑以直落四贏球,拿下金牌。 二年前,溫洧傑曾因粉碎性骨折一度中斷桌球生涯,但近二年表現亮眼,二○一二年獲得泰國公開賽單打金牌後,今年初在巴林獲得第二面青少年金牌,這次的台北公開賽是生涯第三度拿到冠軍。 溫洧傑表示,這面金牌的意義對自己最重要,也是唯一一面在家人面前拿到的冠軍。 Read more [...]


    新華網麥納麥7月28日電(記者王波)巴林議會28日召開特別會議並通過決議,要求對日益升級的反政府恐怖和暴力活動加大打擊和懲罰力度,以保證國家安全和社會穩定。     決議說,今後將對恐怖活動的實施者予以剝奪國籍的懲處;對煽動和支持恐怖和暴力活動的政治組織採取法律措施;禁止在首都麥納麥舉行任何示威遊行。決議還授權安全部隊為保衛人民安全可採取相應措施。     近日來,巴林什葉派的反政府示威活動升級並頻發惡性暴力事件。王室主要成員所住區域的一座清真寺和一名議員住宅遭到反對派青年的自制炸彈襲擊。反對派還計劃在8月14日舉行全國范圍的示威遊行活動。     佔巴林人口多數的什葉派自2011年2月開始掀起反政府活動,要求改革、實行首相選舉制度,以獲取更多政治權利。由于遜尼派巴林王室一直未滿足反對派要求,什葉派幾乎每天舉行抗議示威,甚至從事破壞和恐怖襲擊活動。 Read more [...]

Tougher Laws Key to Bahrain’s Security and Stability, Interior Minister says

Manama, July 28. (BNA)–Interior Minister Lieutenant-General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla Al-Khalifa hailed the legislative authority for standing firm in support of security in previous years to maintain Bahrain's stability. He commended members of the National Assembly for their patriotic stances and support for the efforts of the security agencies to protect Bahrain's stability and maintain Read more [...]

HRH Premier Hails Counter Terrorism Recommendations

Manama, July 28. (BNA) – His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa today commended the recommendations of the National Assembly to toughen penalties in order to protect society from terror. HRH the Premier stressed the Government's firm resolve to enforce the recommendations, being a major boost for the fight against the scourge of terrorism. In a statement following the extraordinary Read more [...]

Alba’s net income drops 42 per cent in Q2

Mahmood Al Kooheji Alba’s net income drops 42 per cent in Q2 Manama, 5 hours, 43 minutes ago Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) has posted a net income BD20.7 million ($55 million) for the second quarter of the year, a drop of 42 per cent from BD35.6 million of Q2 2012, driven by unrealised derivative gains as well as lower metal prices. The company posted a net income of BD61.2 million ($163 million) for the first half of 2013, up by 7 per cent from BD56.9 million Read more [...]

Bahrain impõe penas mais duras antes de protestos

DUBAI, 28 Jul (Reuters) - O Bahrein ordenou neste domingo penas mais duras para o que chamou de atos terroristas antes dos planejado protestos anti-governo no próximo mês.Legisladores do Bahrain concordaram em sessão extraordinária no domingo com as propostas, incluindo apreender aqueles que cometem ou aclamam por "crimes de terrorismo", prevenindo a ocorrência de qualquer na capital Manama, a agência estatal de notícias BNA disse.Rei Hamad ordenou às autoridades que coloquem Read more [...]

Bahrain impõe penas mais duras antes de protestos

DUBAI, 28 Jul (Reuters) - O Bahrein ordenou neste domingo penas mais duras para o que chamou de atos terroristas antes dos planejado protestos anti-governo no próximo mês. Legisladores do Bahrain concordaram em sessão extraordinária no domingo com as propostas, incluindo apreender aqueles que cometem ou aclamam por "crimes de terrorismo", prevenindo a ocorrência de qualquer na capital Manama, a agência estatal de notícias BNA disse. Read more [...]