Llegan los “Miércoles de clásicos” a Cinema Bar – Metro

Como parte de una alianza entre Cinema Bar, el cine independiente y el Movie Network, a partir de este miércoles, 29 de julio comenzarán a proyectarse clásicos del cine en las salas de Cinema Bar en Ballajá.“El propósito de esta iniciativa es brindarle a la comunidad de cinéfilos la oportunidad de disfrutar de las películas más influyentes del cine de la mejor manera: en la pantalla grande con la mejor calidad posible”, dijo Tito Enríquez, dueño del restaurante, en declaraciones escritas.Por Read more [...]

Bahrain-US Council condemns Iranian interference

Manama, July 27 (BNA): Bahrain-US Council has strongly condemned Iran's blatant interference in Bahrain's internal affairs. A statement issued by the Council said that the US and the international community are fully aware of Iran's subversive and incitement role in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Middle East. The statement denounced the Iranian attempts to undermine Bahrain's stability by smuggling weapons Read more [...]

Descubrimiento sobre los albores de la agricultura – Edición …

Hallazgos localizados en un asentamiento neolítico de la Galilea, en el norte de Israel, arrojan luz sobre los albores de la agricultura hace 23.000 años, 11.000 años antes de la fecha en que se datan los descubrimientos de los primeros intentos del ser humano de practicar esta técnica. La región de Oriente Medio o el Creciente Fértil es considerada la “cuna de la civilización” porque fue donde nuestros antepasados nómadas se convirtieron en sedentarios y se establecieron en comunidades Read more [...]

Report: Iran-Backed Terror Plot Foiled In Bahrain

by Jordan Schachtel27 Jul 2015Washington, DC0 Bahrain has recalled its ambassador to Iran in protest of a Tehran-backed plot to smuggle arms and large explosives into the archipelago nation, Bahraini authorities said over the weekend. Officials in Manama said the plot was part of a consistent strategy employed by the Iranian regime “built on interference in the affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain.” The Bahraini Interior Ministry said it has arrested two suspects, Read more [...]

Flere drept av bomber på fotballbane i Irak

Tre bomber eksploderte mandag under finalen i en lokal fotballcup i Abu Saida, rundt sju mil nordøst for Bagdad, sier en sikkerhetskilde til nyhetsbyrået AFP.Minst ti mennesker er såret, ifølge helsepersonell. Noen av fotballspillerne skal være blant de drepte og sårede.– Bombene var lagt bak et mål, og det virker som om de ble detonert fra en nærliggende hage, sier en tilskuer som ikke ønsker å bli navngitt.Ingen hadde mandag tatt på seg ansvaret for angrepet, men ekstremistgruppen Read more [...]

Bahrain ranked in Tier2 Watch List, US Human Trafficking Report

Manama, July 27 (BNA): The Kingdom of Bahrain was among the Tier2 category in the annual US Department of State annual report on Combating the Trafficking in Persons issued today (Monday, 27 July, 2015), affirming the progress of the Kingdom of Bahrain in its efforts to combat this international phenomenon, after Bahrain was in last year’s US Department of State report listed as ‘Tier2 watch list’. In Read more [...]

Atribuyen a una venganza el ataque a bar de Tehuacán | Municipios …

Tehuacán, Pue.- El incendio que se registró el pasado viernes el el bar "Blue Parrot" en el centro de Tehuacán pudo ser por venganza de un vecino del lugar con la dueña del inmueble, por lo que se descartó que integrantes de algún grupo de delincuencia organizada haya encabezado el ataque. La propietaria del negocio, Sandra Carrera Ramos, rechazó que el incidente haya sido por el "cobro de piso" de algún grupo delictivo, de tal manera que pidió a la ciudadanía mantener la calma. Extraoficialmente, Read more [...]

Bahrain Breaks Up Iran-Backed Terror Plot, Recalls Ambassador From Tehran …

The island nation of Bahrain, a United States ally on the Persian Gulf, recalled its ambassador to Tehran over the weekend in response to a foiled Iran-backed terror plot, the third in the last two months. Ties between the two countries were already strained after Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei declared in a televised speech that, after the signing of a nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers, the Islamic Republic would continue to support its “regional friends” in “the Read more [...]

Bahrain News Agency | Al-Qaed familyrejects Iranian interference

Manama, July 27 (BNA): Al-Qaed family has condemned Iran's repeated blatant interference in Bahrain's internal affairs, saying it is a clear violation of principles of good neighbourly, international conventions and norms and the UN Charter. Al-Qaed expressed rejection of the statements launched by Iranian officials which target undermining Bahrain's security and stability. The family reaffirmed Read more [...]