Bahrain: 6 Jailed for Insults to King

A Bahraini court jailed six people for a year on Wednesday for insulting King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa in messages on Twitter, the official news agency said. The six were accused of posting remarks “undermining the values and traditions of Bahrain’s society towards the king on Twitter,” the head of the public prosecutor’s office, Nayef Youssef, said in a statement reported by the Bahrain News Agency. He said freedom of opinion and expression were guaranteed by the Constitution, law and Read more [...]

IMF – INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND : Public Information Notice: IMF … – 4

Public Information Notice (PIN) No. 13/53 May 15, 2013 On May 1, 2013, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concluded the Article IV Consultation1 with the Kingdom of Bahrain, and considered and endorsed the staff appraisal without a meeting on a lapse-of-time basis. Background The economic situation improved in 2012 following the downturn in non-oil GDP in 2011 due to the crisis in the Read more [...]

Bahreyn kralına Twitter’den hakaret eden 6 kişiye hapis cezası

Bahreyn’de sosyal paylaşım sitesi Twitter üzerinden Kral Hamad bin İsa Al-Halife’ye hakaret ettikleri gerekçesiyle yargılanan 6 kişi 1 yıllık hapis cezasına çarptırıldı.Savcılığın yaptığı açıklamaya göre zanlılar, “Bahreyn toplumunun değerlerini ve geleneklerini bozan ve Krala karşı yöneltilen yorumları Twitter’de yayınlamakla” suçlanıyordu.“İfade özgürlüğü, kanunla öngörülen bir haktır, ancak objektif olarak hiçbir hakareti içermeden ve değerleri Read more [...]

Bahraini activist disrupts UK Royal Horse Show – Ahlul Bayt News Agency

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The 26-year-old Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei was swiftly stopped by security forces and arrested while he shouted slogans demanding that the Al Khalifa regime release Bahraini political prisoners.He was carrying a placard that read “Your Majesty the Queen, stop supporting the dictator of Bahrain”.Alwadaei who was kept in detention for seven hours told Press TV that he took the action because “it hurts [him] to see [King Hamad] enjoying himself at a time while people in Bahrain Read more [...]

Bahrain sentences six tweeters to one year in jail for insulting king – Ahlul Bayt News Agency

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The Bahraini public prosecutor's office said in a Wednesday statement that the six had been charged and convicted by a lower criminal court for “misusing the right of free expression.” The statement added that the tweeters were accused of posting remarks “undermining the values and traditions of Bahrain's society towards the king on Twitter.”The Bahraini uprising began in mid-February 2011, when the people, inspired by the popular revolutions that toppled the dictators Read more [...]

Bahrain Chairs GCC Housing Meeting

Riyadh-May-15(BNA)Housing Ministry Undersecretary Shaikh Abdulla bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa today chaired the 14th meeting of the GCC Housing Undersecretaries' Committee in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Addressing the session, he stressed the importance of the meeting to exchange expertise and promote efforts aimed at confronting housing challenges. He described housing issues as a top priority for the GCC national, stressing Read more [...]

Die Windsors und der Despot vom Golf

Hamburg - Die "Royal Windsor Horse Show" ist einer der alljährlichen Höhepunkte im Kalender der britischen Oberschicht. Die Reitwettkämpfe im Garten von Schloss Windsor locken in jedem Frühjahr Tausende Schaulustige an. Bei der diesjährigen Ausgabe am vergangenen Wochenende hatten illustre Gäste vom Persischen Golf den besten Blick auf Ross und Reiter: Zur Rechten von Queen Elizabeth II. durfte König Hamad Bin Issa Al Chalifa von Bahrain in der royalen Loge Platz nehmen. Der Potentat Read more [...]

Bahreyn’de Twitter’dan krala hakarete ceza

Bahreyn'de sosyal paylaşım sitesinde "Kral'a hakaret" ettikleri gerekçesiyle 6 kişiye 1'er yıl hapis cezası verildi. Bahreyn Haber Ajansı BNA'da yer alan habere göre, 3'üncü Ceza Mahkemesi, sosyal paylaşım sitesi Twitter'daki hesaplarında yayımladıkları yazılarında Kral'a hakaret ettikleri gerekçesiyle 6 kişiye 1'er yıl hapis cezası verdi. Haberde, Bahreyn Başsavcılığı'na "sosyal paylaşım sitelerinde Kral'a hakaret edildiği, Bahreyn toplumunun Read more [...]