OECD nimmt FinFisher-Hersteller Gamma unter die Lupe

Die nationale Kontaktstelle der OECD in Großbritannien hat die Beschwerde mehrerer Menschenrechtsorganisationen gegen die britisch-deutsche Gamma Group angenommen. Reporter ohne Grenzen, das European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, Privacy International, das Bahrain Center for Human Rights und Bahrain Watch hatten das OECD-Verfahren im Februar eingeleitet. Sie beschuldigen das Unternehmen, nicht ausreichend überprüft zu haben, ob seine Produkte zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen beitragen. Derselbe Read more [...]


  為確保「迎峰度夏」安全可靠供電,巴林左旗農電局以「本質安全」為主線,結工作實際,用「三面鏡」查改隱患,確保隱患得到及時發現和排除,徹底解決「設備安全」問題。   「顯微鏡」下查隱患。排查工作從細微處入手,通過制定詳細的隱患排查方案,明確各單位的職責,限制各環節的時間節點,確保排查隱患無漏洞,無死角。對於排查出的隱患,堅持「三不放過」原則,即隱患原因不清不放過、隱患不整改不放過、隱患不舉一反三不放過。對設備類型進行分類匯總,制定整改計劃,結合大修、技改等逐步推進,從點到面,達到「發現一個隱患、消除一類隱患」的效果。 Read more [...]

【 ABT 新聞】 GP2 巴林站: Daniel Abt 首度取得GP2 賽事積分

2013 GP2賽季的第二站賽事、Daniel Abt首度取得的積分,今年的GP2競爭將更趨激烈。GP2巴林站賽事週末,於週日正賽裡以第七順位衝過終點線的GP2新手Daniel Abt,也在他的GP2生涯裡獲得首度的2分積分。GP2巴林站賽事列為一級方程式賽事的附屬賽事,而今年GP2賽事裡唯一的德國籍車手Daniel Abt,也普遍被視為將來的F1車手之一。Daniel Abt在巴林站週六的衝刺賽(sprint race)中從第七排起跑、並以第14名完賽,週日的正賽中,Abt駕駛他的612hp Read more [...]

【ABT新聞】GP2巴林站:Daniel Abt首度取得GP2賽事積分

2013 GP2賽季的第二站賽事、Daniel Abt首度取得的積分,今年的GP2競爭將更趨激烈。GP2巴林站賽事週末,於週日正賽裡以第七順位衝過終點線的GP2新手Daniel Abt,也在他的GP2生涯裡獲得首度的2分積分。GP2巴林站賽事列為一級方程式賽事的附屬賽事,而今年GP2賽事裡唯一的德國籍車手Daniel Abt,也普遍被視為將來的F1車手之一。Daniel Abt在巴林站週六的衝刺賽(sprint race)中從第七排起跑、並以第14名完賽,週日的正賽中,Abt駕駛他的612hp Read more [...]

【 ABT 新聞】 Daniel Abt 展望巴林GP2 賽事

2013 GP2賽季繼馬來西亞開幕站賽事後,Daniel Abt期望在接下來的巴林站能有較佳的運氣。「我知道賽季的開幕站不可能馬上獲得成功,但首站的表現也不如我的預期;不過,我獲得一些重要的經驗,而且我已準備好面對接下來的挑戰」;這位來自德國Kempten的20歲車手說道。這位從GP3晉級的德國年輕車手,希望能在今年賽季第二站的賽事裡獲得佳績,而Daniel Abt也在所屬車隊ART Read more [...]

【ABT新聞】Daniel Abt展望巴林GP2賽事

2013 GP2賽季繼馬來西亞開幕站賽事後,Daniel Abt期望在接下來的巴林站能有較佳的運氣。「我知道賽季的開幕站不可能馬上獲得成功,但首站的表現也不如我的預期;不過,我獲得一些重要的經驗,而且我已準備好面對接下來的挑戰」;這位來自德國Kempten的20歲車手說道。這位從GP3晉級的德國年輕車手,希望能在今年賽季第二站的賽事裡獲得佳績,而Daniel Abt也在所屬車隊ART Read more [...]

UK producers plan to make Arabic feature films

Bahrain and UK-based film production firm Gulf Atlantic Pictures is planning to produce up to six big budget feature films in Arabic, the company has announced. The company is planning four to six films aimed at Arabic speaking audiences and is currently in the process of reading through potential scripts, James Black, the company's London-based executive producer and head of production, told the Bahrain-based Trade Arabia news agency. "Gulf Atlantic Pictures is committed to engage film industry Read more [...]

Second group of bahrainis graduates from Tamkeen’s Engineering Multi-skills …

The programme, offered in collaboration with NIIT, is one of many Tamkeen initiatives seeking to develop the skills and capabilities of Bahrainis according to labour market requirements to enhance their employability and increase their contribution to private sector growth and overall economic development.A total of 44 students received their certificates at the ceremony at NIIT's headquarters in Bahrain International Investment Park in Salman Industrial City, including 36 trainees who obtained Read more [...]

Bahrain reconciliation talks end with ‘zero’ results – Ahlul Bayt News Agency

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Jameel Kadhim told Voice of Manama on Saturday that, these four months only made an opportunity for the Al Khalifa regime to continue its violence against people and political leaders and go on with its “mass punishments”. “(During this time) they further limited freedom of speech and freedom of holding peaceful demonstrations for people while they continued their illegal trials and cruel arrests of activists,” he added.   He said 25 meetings were held but they Read more [...]