Bahrain Jails 50 For Ties To Anti-Government Group

Home / Bahrain / Politics Bahrain has seen almost daily protests by members of the Shi'ite majority since February 2011. A Bahraini court sentenced 50 people on Sunday to between five and 15 years in jail for setting up a group that organises anti-government protests, and that authorities say is working to topple the government by force, activists said. Bahrain has seen almost daily protests by members of the Shi’ite majority since February 2011, when it crushed a Shi’ite-led Read more [...]

‘Terrifying’ teen behaviour online

'Terrifying' teen behaviour online Manama, 3 hours, 56 minutes ago Experts have registered a "terrifying" spike in cyber bullying in Bahrain that is manifesting in schools across the country, a report said. They say 43 per cent of teenagers, aged between 14 and 18, are putting their lives at risk by going out with strangers they meet online, said a report in the Gulf Daily News (GDN), our sister publication. The shocking figures were revealed by the Read more [...]

Ближневосточная суннитская деспотия – на грани взрыва

Сегодня должна состояться встреча между Обамой и Нетаньяху. Статус союзников обязывает, однако вряд ли она пройдет в более теплой и дружественной обстановке, чем раньше. Американская пресса уже начинает писать о том, что ближневосточные союзники США - Израиль, Саудовская Read more [...]

Мнения: Анатолий Эль Мюрид: На грани взрыва

Cегодня должна состояться встреча между Обамой и Нетаньяху. Статус союзников обязывает, однако вряд ли она пройдет в более теплой и дружественной обстановке, чем раньше.«Столь радикальная позиция говорит о том, что Бахрейн находится на грани шиитского взрыва и близок к потере Read more [...]

Bahreyn’de Siyasi Tutuklular

Yargı kaynaklarından alınan bilgiye göre, 4. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi, "kamu mallarına zarar vermek, halka ve görevli memurlara karşı ateşli silah kullanmak ve terör örgütüne üye olmak" suçlamasıyla yargılanan 50 kişiye, 5 ile 15 yıl arasında değişen hapis cezası verdi. Hapis kararının nihai olmadığı ve sanık avukatlarının, bir üst makam İstinaf Mahkemesine temyiz için başvuracağı belirtildi. Öte yandan aralarında bir kadının da bulunduğu tutukluların Read more [...]

Zelené zdi Patricka Blanca

Se svými zelenými vlasy, košilí i botami by se Patrick Blanc mohl klidně ztratit v zelených stěnách, které před čtvrtstoletím vynalezl a které jsou rozesety od Miami po Bahrajn. Tento francouzský designér a botanik specializující se na tropické rostliny, jenž vytvořil 250 kreací ve Francii, ale také v Berlíně, Madridu či Tchaj-peji, si rád pohrává s hranicemi a konvencemi. „Chtěl jsem pracovat na parkovištích. Dosáhl jsem toho. Chtěl jsem pracovat na mostech. Read more [...]

Bahrein condena opositores xiitas a penas até 15 anos

As 50 pessoas estavam acusadas de formar o “Coletivo 14 de fevereiro”, um grupo que organizou nas redes sociais manifestações contra a monarquia sunita do Bahrein. O tribunal considerou-as também culpadas de “recurso ao terrorismo” e de “troca de informações com um país estrangeiro”. Entre os acusados figura um clérigo xiita iraquiano, Hadi Modarressi, residente em Kerbala (Iraque) mas que viveu muitos anos no Bahrein, condenado à revelia a 15 anos de prisão. O clérigo Read more [...]

Bahrain jails 50 protesters

DUBAI: A Bahraini court handed jail terms of up to 15 years on Sunday to 50 protesters, including a prominent Iraqi cleric, convicted of forming a clandestine opposition group, a judicial source said. Sixteen defendants were handed 15-year terms, while four were jailed for 10 years and the other 30 for five, the source said. The defendants, including Iraqi cleric Hadi al-Mudaressi who was tried in absentia, were charged with forming the “February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition”, which Bahraini Read more [...]