Bahrain Opposition Calls off National Dialog

Representatives from five Bahraini opposition groups led by al-Wefaq bloc did not participate in the Wednesday talks which were planned to end the kingdom’s political deadlock, Al-Alam reported. Al-Wefaq said in a statement on Thursday that the opposition boycotted the talks in protest to Justice Ministry’s decision to limit "meetings of political societies with diplomats and international delegates". Under the limitations, political groups in the Persian Gulf kingdom need government Read more [...]

Мирджалол Касымов: "Беспроигрышная серия Иордании нас не пугает" –

Главный тренер национальной сборной Узбекистана Мирджалол Касымов считает, что длительная беспроигрышная серия сборной Иордании в домашних матчах когда-либо закончится. И сделать это попытается Узбекистан в грядущем матче в эту пятницу.«Иордания – сильная и хорошо Read more [...]

Bahrain’s moderates must make themselves heard

In Bahrain we hardly hear the moderates speaking out. The loudest voices in our society are different brands of religious hardliners, who in reality only represent a small fraction of our diverse and tolerant society. The problem isn't that most Bahrainis are sympathetic to extremist ideas - they aren't. Rather, the problem is that it is the extremists who are most assertive in promoting their agenda and pressuring others to follow them. For example, when an Islamist MP stands up in parliament and Read more [...]

Ratify labour rights treaty

UNIONISTS are urging Bahraini authorities to ratify a global treaty that came into force yesterday and protects the rights of domestic workers. The General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions (GFBTU) said Bahrain, like other GCC countries, had not ratified the Domestic Workers Convention. GFBTU women and children affairs head Suad Mubarak said the International Labour Organisation (ILO) supported the convention, which obligates governments to protect domestic workers from violence and abuse. "When Read more [...]

Pakistani stars to showcase their culture

AN exciting line-up of Pakistani superstars, designers, comedians and theatre performers will take to the stage in Bahrain later this year. They will arrive for separate events as part of a major cultural initiative being organised by the Pakistan Embassy, in an attempt to educate Bahrainis on a wide variety of Pakistani arts. The list of talents includes three Bollywood stars, internationally acclaimed fashion designer Nilofer Shahid and a variety of theatre groups, in addition to renowned singer Read more [...]

Reporter ohne Grenzen fordert wirksame Exportkontrollen für …

Berlin (ots) - Anlässlich der Veröffentlichung zahlreicher neuer Dokumente über die weltweiten Geschäftsaktivitäten der Hersteller von Zensur- und Überwachungstechnologie bekräftigt die Menschenrechtsorganisation Reporter ohne Grenzen (ROG) ihre Forderung nach strikten Exportkontrollen. "Die neuen Wikileaks-Enthüllungen liefern weitere wichtige Indizien dafür, dass viele Hersteller dieser Technologien gezielt um Aufträge von Staaten werben, die die Pressefreiheit Read more [...]


  投資推廣署成立十三年來,為本港經濟創造逾三萬三千個新職位,總投資額近七百九十億元,昨慶祝完成第三千個投資項目。該項目是來自中東巴林的ASB生物柴油廠,已投資約十二億七千萬元於將軍澳工業設廠,計畫每年向本港各食肆收集六千噸煮食廢油,再提煉成生物柴油。 年收六千噸廢油再提煉   自二○○○年成立至今,投資推廣署協助來港投資的企業,在開業或擴展的首年內,共為本地經濟創逾三萬三千個新職位,總投資額近七百九十億元。投資推廣署署長賈沛年表示,以往多數是創意產業、資訊通訊業、傳媒業或金融科技業;商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑稱,本港是進入中國主場門戶,有助吸引外地投資者。第三千個投資項目是ASB生物柴油廠,是署方協助的首個來自中東巴林的投資項目,亦是接到最大型的環保科技項目,經逾十年跨部門協商才成事。大股東巴林伊斯蘭銀行亞太區副總裁李寶明說,選址香港建廠房是看好香港在亞洲擁有策略位置,尤其毗鄰內地,加上稅制透明度高和有利的營商環境。ASB生物柴油廠坐落將軍澳工業,約一萬八千平方米,耗一億六千五百萬美元(約十二億七千萬港元),聘請約九十人。油廠總裁Anthony Read more [...]

Юношеская сборная Кыргызстана по футболу выиграла матч в рамках подготовки к отборочному турниру чемпионата Азии

Юношеская (до 16 лет) сборная Кыргызстана по футболу выиграла матч в рамках подготовки к отборочному турниру чемпионата Азии. Об этом сообщила федерация данного вида спорта КР. Как отмечается, накануне отечественная команда прибыла в Бахрейн для проведения учебно-тренировочных Read more [...]

바레인 정치활동 규제강화에 야권 강력 반발

ٷ ġȰ ȭ ߱ ݹ (ι=մ) ƯĿ = ٷ ߱ 4(ð) ġ ü Ȱ ȭ ϸ δȭ źߴ. ٷ þİ ֵϴ ߱ ü ˿ũ ̳ ġ Ȱ ϴ ɿ δȭ Ѵ١ . ̿ ˿ũ ̲ 5 ߱ ü ǥ 5 ̳ ȸǿ ߴٰ ȭ ߴ. ٷ ο ߱ ȥ Ÿϰ 2 , ȸ, ߱ ϴ δȭ ̴. δȭ ٷ ǥ 3, ȸ ǥ 8, 6 ߱ ü ǥ 8, 9 ġ ü Ἲ ο ǥ 8 27 Ѵ. ٷ δ 3 ġ ü ܱ ܱ ϰų ܱ ⱸ λ 㰡 ޵ ϴ 輮 ǹȭߴ. ̴ þ ߱ λ ̱̳ ̶ ܱ ̳ ⱸ Ϸ ġ м ִ. ׷ ٷ δ ܱ ʿ ⱸ Ȯ Ȯ Ϸ ġ ߴ. Read more [...]