Bahrain opposition boycott thwarts dialogue

“The issue of taking part in the round of talks or boycotting had been intensively discussed by our societies,” Abdul Nabi Salman, the secretary general of the Progressive Democratic Tribune, one of the five members in the alliance of the opposition, said. “We decided not to participate to show our displeasure with the ministerial decision on contacts with diplomatic missions. We are committed to the dialogue, but we reject such decisions against the political societies,” he said. Read more [...]

Bahrain’s expat levy: adding salt to the wound? – Al

A total of 5,000 businessmen in Bahrain have signed a petition against the reintroduction of a tax on foreign workers.They claim they are still struggling to stay afloat due to economic downturns and financial problems caused by the unrest in 2011, reported the Gulf Daily News, our sister publication.The government announced last month that the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) would start collecting the fees from employers.Each company is supposed Read more [...]

Протесты в Бахрейне

Опубликовано 05.09.2013 Полиция применила слезоточивый газ для разгона участников антиправительственной демонстрации, организованной после гибели молодого оппозиционного активиста. Акция протеста проходила в городе Сехла, недалеко от столицы страны Манамы. Власти Королевства Read more [...]


財華社香港新聞中心 投資推廣署表示,ASB生物柴油廠成為第3000個引入的投資項目,亦是首個來自巴林的投資項目,預料整個項目將投資1.65億美元,年產10萬噸柴油,廠房坐落將軍澳工業村,預計本年10月投入服務。 商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑歡迎有關業務。并表示,投資者來港投資代表他們對香港的經濟環境充滿信心,認為營商環境仍然蓬勃。他也相信香港人會共同維護現有的營商環境。 另外,他又表示,歡迎世界經濟論壇有關核心競爭力的排名報告,香港由去年的第九位上升至今年的第七位,認為香港在法律、營商便利和制度等方面仍有相對的優勢,他們會繼續努力吸引更多的投資者。 投資推廣署署長賈沛年稱,今年目標引入330間公司到港投資,預期將會達標,已與700多間的機構保持溝通。(V) 更多精彩內容,請登陸財華中國網 Read more [...]


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InvestHK hailed for 3000th project

InvestHK hailed for 3,000th projectSep 04, 2013 (Menafn - M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) --Secretary for Commerce Economic Development Gregory So today congratulated Invest Hong Kong for the completion of its 3,000th project.He applauded the department for its continued success in attracting overseas and Mainland companies to set up business operations in Hong Kong."Each and every one of its projects is a strong vote of confidence in Hong Kong as Asia's leading business capital."Mr So presented a commemorative Read more [...]

Bahrain hosts the First International Investment Forum on Entrepreneurship Next …

Manama, September 4th (BNA) –Head of the Investment and Technology Promotion Office for U.N. Industrial Development in Kingdom of Bahrain, Dr. Hashim Hussain announced Kingdom of Bahrain hosting of the First International Investment Forum on Entrepreneurship mid of next January, with the participation of about 1000 entrepreneurs from around the world. In a statement for Bahrain News Agency Read more [...]


 新華社香港9月4日電(記者劉歡)香港投資推廣署4日慶祝完成第3000個投資項目——ASB生物柴油廠,特區政府商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑當天頒發紀念證書予該公司代表,並恭賀該公司在香港開業。     ASB生物柴油廠是投資推廣署協助成立的首個來自巴林的投資項目,其大股東為巴林伊斯蘭銀行,其廠房坐落在將軍澳工業邨。巴林伊斯蘭銀行亞太區副總裁李寶明表示,生物柴油廠選址香港主要是看好香港在亞洲擁有的策略位置,以及稅制透明度高和有利的營商環境等優勢。     蘇錦樑在記者會上表示,投資推廣署自2000年成立以來,幫助了很多來自海外、內地和台灣的企業在港設立或擴展業務,該署所協助的企業在開業或擴展的首年內,共為本地經濟創造超過33950個新職位,總投資額近790億港元。     成立於2000年7月的投資推廣署是香港特區政府屬下部門,專責為香港促進外來直接投資。該署全力支援海外、內地及台灣企業在香港開業或擴展業務,針對個別行業及企業所需,免費提供實用資訊及專業支援,協助外地企業充分利用香港營商優勢在港發展。(完) Read more [...]

Bahrain Imposes Tougher Restrictions on Opposition

According to a decree by Bahrain Justice Minister Sheik Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa on Tuesday, all contacts between Bahraini political groups and diplomatic missions and consulates in Bahrain, foreign organizations, and representatives of foreign governments must be done in coordination with the Foreign Ministry, press tv reported. It also says that a government representative must attend any meeting between Bahraini political groups and foreign diplomats. The order also requires political Read more [...]