Katar, BAE, Kuveyt ve KİK Genel Sekreteri saldırıyı kınadı

Bahreyn'de dün sabah saatlerinde düzenlenen ve 2 polisin ölümüne yol açan saldırıda kullanılan patlayıcıların, ülkeye mühimmat sokmaya çalışırken yakalanan ve İran'dan geldiği iddia edilen gemidekilerle aynı olduğu bildirildi. Bahreyn resmi haber ajansı BNA'nın güvenlik kaynaklarına dayandırdığı haberinde, Bahreyn'in Sitra adasında gerçekleşen ve 2 polisin hayatını kaybettiği, 6 polisin yaralandığı saldırıda kullanılan patlayıcıların, Read more [...]

Two Bahraini police killed in bomb blast

    DUBAI — A bomb blast killed two Bahrain policemen and wounded six others Tuesday in an area often shaken by clashes between security forces and protesters, the Interior Ministry said. The blast in Sitra island outside the capital Manama comes days after the Bahraini authorities announced they had foiled an attempt to smuggle weapons from Iran. Police blocked routes leading to the island following the explosion — the latest in a series Read more [...]

Detienen a menor de edad involucrado en homicidio en un bar de …

Un menor de edad que participó en el homicidio de otro joven fue capturado por elementos de la Policía Ministerial del Estado y ahora se encuentra en el Centro de Internamiento Juvenil, a fin de que cumpla con la medida de internamiento definitiva que le fue impuesta. El menor que fue detenido lleva de Marco, quien ahora se encuentra a disposición del Juez de Ejecución de Medidas para Menores. Los hechos en los que se vio involucrado se suscitaron en el año 2013, en un bar que se ubica en Read more [...]

En route to Bahrain: Heroin smuggling bid foiled

ISLAMABAD: The Airport Security Force (ASF) thwarted a bid to smuggle heroin abroad at the Benazir Bhutto International Airport on Tuesday. Acting on a tip, ASF searched the luggage of Qabil Khan, who was flying to Bahrain, and recovered 600 grams of heroin from his possession. ASF personnel apprehended the passenger and handed him over to the Anti-Narcotics Force for investigation. A case has been registered against the suspected smuggler, who is currently under investigation, according Read more [...]

UAE flays Iran role in Bahrain

ABU DHABI: The UAE has strongly condemned the blatant Iranian interference in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain and Tehran’s failure to observe principles of good neighbourliness, which represent a clear violation of the international norms, conventions and charters.In a statement, Dr Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, condemned Iran’s repeated attempts to stir sectarian Read more [...]

Presidential Suites Punta Cana inaugura Carpe Diem

Se trata de un lounge con un bar de coctelería clásica y de autor más un refinado ambiente que complementará la oferta del restaurante del mismo nombre. Basado en un concepto innovador y atractivo, Presidential Suites Punta Cana inauguró su nuevo Lounge Bar Carpe Diem, un espacio creado para brindar a los huéspedes de este hotel una moderna opción de entretenimiento apoyado en un novedoso servicio de coctelería. Carpe Diem que está ubicado al lado del homónimo restaurante Read more [...]

Suudi Arabistan, İran’ın suçlamalarını reddetti

Suudi Arabistan Dışişleri Bakanı Adel El Cübeyr, İran’ın, müttefikleri Bahreyn’in körfezdeki tansiyonu körüklediğine yönelik suçlamalarını reddetti.Avrupa Komisyonu Dış İlişkiler ve Güvenlik Politikasından Sorumlu Yüksek Temsilcisi ve Avrupa Komisyonu Başkan Yardımcısı Federica Mogherini’nin ziyareti sonrası ortaklaşa düzenlenen basın toplantısında konuşan Dışişleri Bakanı, “İran’ın bölge ülkelerinin içişlerine karışmaya yönelik tutumunu gösteren Read more [...]

For treating protesters, Bahrain’s Government made me an enemy of state

Despite constant government repression, Bahrain’s pro-democracy movement will soon enter its fifth year. Each day, demonstrators take to the streets, calling for reform; each day, security forces violently respond, showering them with tear-gas and rubber bullets. According to local activists, the government arrests almost a dozen protestors a day. Those not arrested are often left bloodied and suffocating on the street. I know from experience, having treated many of them myself.The creeping militarisation Read more [...]