Bahrain Activist Khawaja on Hunger Strike, Daughter Arrested

"Abdulhadi is continuing with the hunger strike he began on August 25" in Jaw prison near Manama, said lawyer Mohammed al-Jishi. The prisoner's condition was "stable even though he suffered from hypotension two days ago" said Jishi of the last time he saw his client. Hundreds of Shiites have been arrested and many have faced trials over their role in anti-regime protests that erupted in February 2011, AFP reported. Jailed for life for plotting to overthrow the monarchy, 54-year-old Khawaja Read more [...]

Hoy todos con Carolina Marín a las 14.00 horas en el Parque Moret

La Junta directiva del Recreativo Bádminton IES La Orden ha organizado una quedada entre sus jugadores y socios para animar a Carolina Marín en la final del mundial de bádminton que se está disputando en la ciudad danesa de Copenhague, que finalizará hoy a partir de las 14.30 horas y emitirá en directo  Teledeporte.   El club quiere invitar a toda la ciudadanía de Huelva, aficionados en general, familiares de Carolina y toda aquella persona que quiera transmitir ánimos la onubense Read more [...]

Bahrain Arrests High-Profile Human Rights Defender

A top human rights activist was taken into custody on Saturday by Bahraini authorities after arriving at the country's airport. Maryam al-Khawaja, the co-director of the Gulf Center for Human Rights, flew back to her native country to visit her father. Abdulhadi Abdulla Hubail al-Khawaja, also an activist, has been detained by the kingdom since 2011 and is currently on hunger strike. According Read more [...]

Los 28 años del bar rústico de Urdesa

Los muros rústicos de madera albergan historias de cientos de guayaquileños que durante 28 años han bailado y pasado un momento de fiesta con amigos en uno de los bares más antiguos de Urdesa, conocido como Chappu’s Beer. El 19 de julio de 1984, Ernesto Pólit se vio en la necesidad de poner un bar. “Tenía un grupo de amigos muy farreros y un día mi esposa Rubí me dijo ‘ya no quiero más farras en la casa, búscate otro lugar’, y así nació Chappu’s”. Comenzó en un espacio pequeño Read more [...]

Ecclestone: Ich respektiere Verträge – Sotschi nicht wie Bahrain – Motorsport - Viele Fans sehen den ersten Russland GP in Sotschi vor allem angesichts der Krise in der Ukraine kritisch. Auch von einer Absage oder einem Boykott des Rennens war bereits die Rede. Bernie Ecclestone betrachtet die Angelegenheit gewohnt nüchtern. Auf die Frage, warum die Formel 1 in ein Land geht, das sich praktisch im Kriegszustand befindet, antwortet er gegenüber Blick: "Weil wir einen Vertrag haben. Und ich respektiere Verträge. Also fahren wir dort." Einen Boykott Read more [...]

Συνελήφθη γιατί πρόσβαλε τον βασιλιά του Μπαχρέιν

Η εξέχουσα ακτιβίστρια των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στο Μπαχρέιν και σιίτισα, Μαριάμ Αλ Κχαουάτζα (Maryam al-Khawaja), συνελήφθη από τις Αρχές της χώρας μόλις πάτησε το πόδι της στο αεροδρόμιο της χώρας. Αναρτήσεις στο λογαριασμό twitter της Κχαουάτζα αναφέρουν ότι κατηγορείται για…Διαβάστε Read more [...]

Các nước vùng Vịnh thông qua cơ chế giám sát hoạt động nhóm

Ngày 30/8, ngoại trưởng 6 quốc gia thành viên Hội đồng Hợp tác vùng Vịnh (GCC) đã nhóm họp tại TP Jeddah của Ả-rập Xê-út và nhất trí thông qua một cơ chế giám sát việc triển khai các thỏa thuận của nhóm.    Ngoại trưởng các nước Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Ả-rập Xê-út và Các Tiểu vương quốc Ả-rập thống nhất (UAE) cho biết các thành viên hội đồng đã sẵn sàng dỡ bỏ các Read more [...]

Alonsotegi, detenido tras agredir al dueño de un bar

Efectivos de la ertzain-etxea de Balmaseda detuvieron durante la tarde de ayer, sábado, en Alonsotegi a un varón de 36 años de edad, como presunto autor de un delito de lesiones. Poco antes de la siete y media de la tarde la Ertzaintza fue alertada de que se había producido una pelea en el exterior de un bar ubicado en la localidad de Alonsotegi y como consecuencia de la misma el responsable del local había resultado herido. Una patrulla de seguridad ciudadana que realizaba labores de vigilancia Read more [...]

TAKAUD appoints new sales management team

Ragheb has over 20 years of regional and international experience in the financial services industry. Prior to taking up his new role at TAKAUD, he was Head of Wealth Management Group Benefits for National Bonds Corporation in Dubai, UAE.  In this role, he managed the IDIKHARI initiative with the Dubai Government and its 42 institutions. Previously, he held senior positions at Royal Bank of Canada, Universal Private Asset Management and Investors Group Corporation in Montreal, Canada. He holds Read more [...]