Ministry of Culture and Development Islamic Bank agree on Supporting two …

Jeddah, January 31st (BNA) –Ministry of Culture in Bahrain and the Development Islamic Bank in Jeddah agreed to support two projects within the tourist projects of the ministry. The agreement came a day after Minister of Culture, Shaikha Mai Bint Mohammed Al Khalifa was granted the International Tourism Award in the field of creativity from the Arab Tourism Organization. Both sides agreed on supporting the project of the course of Lulu Road Read more [...]

Son Dakika: Türkiye, Bahreyn’deki diyalog sürecinden memnun

Bahreyn Kralı Şeyh Hamad bin İsa el Halife’nin, ülkedeki tüm kesimlerin dahil olacağı ulusal diyalog sürecinin canlandırılması yönündeki yeni çağrısı ve muhalefetin söz konusu çağrıya olumlu cevap vermesi, Türkiye tarafından memnuniyetle karşılandı.Dışişleri Bakanlığı'ndan yapılan açıklamada, "Bahreyn’de son iki yıldır devam eden gerginliğin, toplumun tüm kesimlerinin beklentilerine cevap verecek kapsamlı bir ulusal diyalog ve reform süreci ile aşılabileceği Read more [...]

Pressekonferenz: Digitaler Waffenhandel und unternehmerische Verantwortung …

Berlin (ots) – Journalisten, Blogger und Menschenrechtsaktivisten in autoritären Staaten leben gefährlich – und das nicht zuletzt dank westlicher Überwachungstechnologie. In dem arabischen Golfstaat Bahrain zum Beispiel sind seit Beginn der Protestbewegung Anfang 2011 wiederholt Daten aus der Überwachung von Telefon- und Internetverbindungen benutzt worden, um Dissidenten festzunehmen und zu misshandeln. In Verhören wurden sie mit ihren Aussagen aus vertraulichen Gesprächen und E-Mails Read more [...]

Pressekonferenz: Digitaler Waffenhandel und unternehmerische Verantwortung …

Berlin (ots) - Journalisten, Blogger und Menschenrechtsaktivisten in autoritären Staaten leben gefährlich - und das nicht zuletzt dank westlicher Überwachungstechnologie. In dem arabischen Golfstaat Bahrain zum Beispiel sind seit Beginn der Protestbewegung Anfang 2011 wiederholt Daten aus der Überwachung von Telefon- und Internetverbindungen benutzt worden, um Dissidenten festzunehmen und zu misshandeln. In Verhören wurden sie Read more [...]

Cameron’s attack on George Galloway reflects the west’s self-delusions

On Wednesday afternoon in the British Parliament, near the end of question time for British Prime Minister David Cameron, a short though incredibly revealing exchange occurred between Cameron and Respect Party MP George Galloway. Whatever one's preexisting views might be of either of these two polarizing figures is entirely irrelevant to the points and facts raised here about this incident.Galloway stood to ask Cameron about a seeming contradiction in the policy of the British government (one Read more [...]

Bahrain, principessa e torturatrice

Roma, 31 gennaio 2013, Nena News - Principessa e torturatrice, un doppio ruolo per Sheikha Noura bint Ibrahim al-Khalifa, 29 anni, appartenente alla casa reale sunnita che domina con il pugno di ferro il il Bahrain.La principessa, che è anche un alto ufficiale delle forze di polizia, dovrà affrontare un processo per aver aggredito e torturato due medici, allo scopo di costringerli a confessare, durante le proteste contro la monarchia del 2011 e per aver anche per aggredito Aayat al-Qormozi, Read more [...]

Bahrain, principessa e torturatrice

Roma, 31 gennaio 2013, Nena News - Principessa e torturatrice, un doppio ruolo per Sheikha Noura bint Ibrahim al-Khalifa, 29 anni, appartenente alla casa reale sunnita che domina con il pugno di ferro il il Bahrain. La principessa, che è anche un alto ufficiale delle forze di polizia, dovrà affrontare un processo per aver aggredito e torturato due medici, allo scopo di costringerli a confessare, durante le proteste contro la monarchia del 2011 e per aver anche Read more [...]

Policemen hurt by home-made bomb in Bahrain

Several policemen were injured when a home-made bomb exploded at a roundabout west of the Bahraini capital Manama on Wednesday, the prime minister was quoted as saying. Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman al-Khalifa said the explosion happened at Budaiya Highway “leaving a number of policemen injured whilst on duty”, the official Bahrain News Agency reported late on Wednesday. A Ministry of Interior message on Twitter put the number of wounded at three Read more [...]


FIDH and the BCHR have advocated tirelessly to mobilize a mainly unresponsive European Union. Last December, the FIDH and Marietje Schaake, Member of the European Parliament, organised a roundtable on how to step-up the EU’s response to ongoing human rights violations. At the same time, FIDH organised a series of meetings for Bahraini human rights defenders with key actors from across the EU institutions, laying down a series of recommendations and urging for a strong EU response. Following this Read more [...]

허명수 GS건설 사장, 해외현장 광폭행보

허명수 GS건설 사장이 연초부터 5개국을 넘나드는 강행군을 펼치고 있다.10일 사이에 스페인과 사우디아라비아, 아랍에미리트(UAE), 바레인, 쿠웨이트 등 5개국 11개 사업장을 방문하는 등 글로벌 광폭 행보를 보이고 있는 것.31일 GS건설에 따르면 허 사장은 지난 12일부터 21일까지 열흘간 스페인, 아랍에미리트(UAE), 사우디아라비아, 바레인, 쿠웨이트 등 5개국 11개 사업장을 방문하는 Read more [...]