GCC-wide telecom consortium formed

A GCC-wide telecom consortium, named the Middle East-Europe Terrestrial System (MEETS), comprising du, Vodafone, Zain and Zajil, has been formed to build a high-bandwidth regional transmission cable system.The consortium plans to have a state-of-art 100G optical transport network (OTN), built on top of a 1,400km terrestrial fibre optic cable to sustain the growing bandwidth demand of the region.The new consortium was announced at a press conference held yesterday in Dubai on the sidelines of the Read more [...]

HRH Premier receives GCC Transportation and Communications Ministers

Manama, Sep 30 (BNA) – His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister, today at the Gudaibiya palace, received GCC Ministers of Transportation and Communications on the occasion of holding the 17th Meeting of the Ministers of GCC Transportation and Communications, whom conveyed greetings of GCC leaders and heads of governments and their wishes for the Kingdom of Bahrain to enjoy Read more [...]

Sharing of labour expertise discussed

MANAMA — Prince Khalifa bin Salman al Khalifa, Prime Minister of Bahrain, received here yesterday Heads of Civil Service and Human Resources Development Bodies in the GCC countries, who are taking part in the 12th meeting of the GCC Ministers and Heads of Civil Service and Human Resources Development Bodies, which concluded in the Bahraini capital yesterday. During the meeting, Shaikh Khalid bin Omar al Marhoon, Minister of Civil Service, conveyed greetings of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Read more [...]


中華隊在U16亞青男籃賽的連勝之路昨天告終,被日本隊以96:76擊敗。 和日本隊同是4勝1敗的中華隊掉到分組第2,最終分組排名要等凌晨菲律賓隊比賽結果決定。 中華隊上半場最多曾以7分領先,但第4節失守,遭日本隊狂攻32分,總教練謝玉娟解釋崩盤原因:「球員個子太小,體能消耗太多,命中率明顯下降。」 日本隊全場採盯人防守,加上歸化黑人洋將八村壘26分、13籃板,中華隊禁區完全討不到便宜,整場籃板以37:51居下風。 伊朗與巴林隊之戰,伊朗隊兩名控球後衛都沒上場,最終伊朗隊以50:70不敵巴林隊。 伊朗隊想「挑對手」而落到分組第4,卻要看最後出賽的菲律賓隊戰果;菲若奪擊敗印度隊就成為分組第1,落敗則是以分組第3準備8強單淘汰賽。 Read more [...]

Bahrein – Terrorizmus miatt került börtönbe 37 síita

Bahrein - Terrorizmus miatt került börtönbe 37 síita Bűnösnek találtak Bahreinben harminchét siítát terrorista cselekmények, valamint rendőrök elleni gyilkossági kísérlet vádjában, és öttől tizenöt évig terjedő börtönbüntetésre ítélte őket. 2013.09.30 20:39MTI Kinyomtatom +Nagyobb betűméret-Kisebb betűméret http://www.freedigitalphotos.netA vádlottak közül huszonheten 5 év, hatan 10 év, négyen pedig 15 év letöltendő börtönbüntetést kaptak, két Read more [...]

F1 | Ward: “Non si dovrebbe correre in Bahrain”

30 settembre 2013 – Il candidato alla presidenza della FIA, il britannico David Ward, ha concesso un’intervista alla BBC nella quale interviene su una delle questioni più spinose degli ultimi anni, il Gran Premio del Bahrain. Se sarà eletto avvierà una seria indagine per stabilire se la corsa nel regno arabo abbia ancora ragione di esistere. “Il modo in cui si è trattata fin qui la questione è stato sommario” – ha esordito il candidato alla presidenza della Read more [...]

«На грани взрыва»

Cегодня должна состояться встреча между Обамой и Нетаньяху. Статус союзников обязывает, однако вряд ли она пройдет в более теплой и дружественной обстановке, чем раньше.«Столь радикальная позиция говорит о том, что Бахрейн находится на грани шиитского взрыва и близок к потере Read more [...]

Menneskerettighetene gjelder også i Gulfen

Les også Årets tildeling er Raftoprisen på sitt beste Frøy Gudbrandsen: Den løfter frem dem som trenger det. Denne meldingen ble sendt ut på Twitter i mai i år av Maryam al-Khawaja, fungerende leder for Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR). Deres grundige, selvoppofrende og innovative arbeid ligger til grunn for tildelinga av årets Raftopris. BCHR jobber målrettet for rettighetene til både Bahrains statsborgere og de mange arbeidsmigrantene i landet. De promoterer ikke-vold i protestene Read more [...]

Storbank fortsatt skeptisk til Hydro

JPMorgan hever sitt kursmål på Hydro til 21 kroner fra tidligere 20 kroner, men gjentar sin undervektanbefaling på aksjen. JPMorgan mener at Feds beslutning om å utsette nedtrappingen av obligasjonskjøpsprogrammet trolig vil fortsette å støtte opp under råvaremarkedene, men banken mener fortsatt at Hydro er en risikabel plassering.- Vår konklusjon er uendret, vi mener at Hydro og Alba (Aluminium Bahrain red. anm.) er mest eksponert mot risikoen for fallende priser, skriver banken ifølge Read more [...]

‘Bahrain’s Iron Fist’: 95 Activists Jailed for 808 Years in Total

 "There is no clear vision within the government authorities on how to solve this crisis," Jawad Fairooz, former member of Bahraini Parliament told RT. "Still they want to use the iron fist to crackdown (against) all uprisings and detain all the activists and put such harsh sentences with this unfair trial." Fairooz said that many popular human rights activists were among the 95 individuals receiving a total of 808 years behind bars. "It was so clear it was not a fair trial, not a justice, Read more [...]